Avoid being skinny fat



  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    Am I missing something? What is skinny fat?

    look at my before after pics.. i was skinny fat.. 6'2 <170lbs and 17-20%BF!!! now im 185lbs at 9%BF...

    as for what foods to eat.. well number one is GET MUSCLE!!! because when ur skinny and still fat its because u dont have much muscle under the fat... as soon as you start to increase muscle mass you BF% will drop and you will look better.. then you cut... ull loose fat fast...

    -chicken breast
    -protein shakes
    -cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
    -cottage cheese
    -whole grain bread
    -list goes on haha

    and again.. number one is build muscle! concentrate all ur energy on that! because lets say you are skinny fat... ur trying to loose fat and lower ur BF%... u loose weight you look a litte thinner but you still look flabby and soft.. you will have to cut down right to your bones to look like you are not fat... but if you have muscle underneath and burning fat at same rate then ur going to meet in the center look 100times better in just a few months... ive seen so many of other skinny fat ppl think.. oh im fat.. i need to loose weight... n they go to the gym for 4-6 months see no results and quit...
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    EuroDriver, do you think someone who is currently skinny-fat (well, kinda sorta) should bulk first and then cut?
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    Skinny fat is when you are skinny and have no muscle.

    that would be me. lol i lift weights and do tons of ab stuff plus cardio. I just can't build tons of muscle.

    I think u just defined me. lol this is embarrassing. What if u just can't gain weight?
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    Skinny fat is when you are skinny and have no muscle.

    that would be me. lol i lift weights and do tons of ab stuff plus cardio. I just can't build tons of muscle.

    I think u just defined me. lol this is embarrassing. What if u just can't gain weight?

    need to lift heavier and eat more to gain muscle.. and everyone can just have to play with diet and ur workout plan
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    I am skinny fat!!!

    I will confess that I do not exercise nearly enough and I do still drink booze (moderately - but still it's enough)

    I also don't eat as clean as I should.

    I know that I am in a better position than a lot of people as I am near goal weight and of course I look and feel better than I did when I signed up in February 2011.

    However I do get annoyed at myself - what is the point of being at goal weight and still looking flabby?

    I do not have the time to exercise as much as some people on here do [some people are serious exercise freaks and unless I quit my job there is no way I am ever going to be able to work out for hours each day !!!]

    However the cardio work out I currently do obviously isn't working!

    I am not really sure how to get out of the skinny fat phase to be honest?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What foods should I generally not consume in order to avoid being skinny fat? What foods should i consume?
    Thanks in advance for your responses :)

    definition of skinny fat:

    1. When someone is thin and looks great in clothes, but is all flabby underneath
    2. Thin, but with high body fat.

    (taken from urban dictionary)

    eating wont really help skinny fat, its more about exercise and building muscle tone, in my opinion anyway.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    I am skinny fat!!!

    I will confess that I do not exercise nearly enough and I do still drink booze (moderately - but still it's enough)

    I also don't eat as clean as I should.

    I know that I am in a better position than a lot of people as I am near goal weight and of course I look and feel better than I did when I signed up in February 2011.

    However I do get annoyed at myself - what is the point of being at goal weight and still looking flabby?

    I do not have the time to exercise as much as some people on here do [some people are serious exercise freaks and unless I quit my job there is no way I am ever going to be able to work out for hours each day !!!]

    However the cardio work out I currently do obviously isn't working!

    I am not really sure how to get out of the skinny fat phase to be honest?

    when you wake up do you make time for breakfast? do you have lunch? dinner? if ur job is too busy and u dont get to have lunch or dinner when you get home you still eat something as you wont let urself go to bed hungry at the end of the day... well if you can make time to eat.. you have time to work out.. u just need to want it bad enough!!! just as bad as if you were starving for 2-3 days and you just want a slice or bread or any food!!!

    repeat again.. only way to get through ur skinny fat phase is lift heavy weights... your job is no excuse.... all u need is 1hour to 1.5hours a day... watch a little less tv or wake up an hour earlier...
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    What foods should I generally not consume in order to avoid being skinny fat? What foods should i consume?
    Thanks in advance for your responses :)

    definition of skinny fat:

    1. When someone is thin and looks great in clothes, but is all flabby underneath
    2. Thin, but with high body fat.

    (taken from urban dictionary)

    Exercise, that's how you avoid skinny fat.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I think you got some good advice here! I agree it has more to do with exercise than food. But, I was told celery burns calories while digesting. lol! Eat lots of Celery! haha..
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    I think you got some good advice here! I agree it has more to do with exercise than food. But, I was told celery burns calories while digesting. lol! Eat lots of Celery! haha..

    No food creates a calorie deficit on it's own. While our bodies generally burn calories in the digestion of celery, the deficit is beyond negligible - like only 5-15 calories negligible.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member

    when you wake up do you make time for breakfast? do you have lunch? dinner? if ur job is too busy and u dont get to have lunch or dinner when you get home you still eat something as you wont let urself go to bed hungry at the end of the day... well if you can make time to eat.. you have time to work out.. u just need to want it bad enough!!! just as bad as if you were starving for 2-3 days and you just want a slice or bread or any food!!!

    repeat again.. only way to get through ur skinny fat phase is lift heavy weights... your job is no excuse.... all u need is 1hour to 1.5hours a day... watch a little less tv or wake up an hour earlier...

    That's the thing though - I confess I don't want to get up an hour earlier. I don't want to work out before I go to bed. I don't want to lose any more of my spare time as I have such little spare time as it is!

    I am well aware that I have to work hard at this [I have dropped 21lbs so far - and I have stopped smoking too without gaining any weight!] but I just cannot give any more of myself at the moment. Certainly not an additional hour / 90 minutes a day.

    I am not here to make excuses, I am done with excuses but I also need to be realistic. I need to focus on what I can do !!

    I do have time to fit in my current workout 5 days a week minimum, I am able to include a 30 minute power walk every lunch time. I can afford to buy some weights and do some lifting at home. I can factor in an additional 100 sit-ups day.

    I'd rather be a skinny fat than a fatty fat (which is what I was 6 months ago!!) but my ulitmate aim is to be more slender!!
  • lindseymariep
    lindseymariep Posts: 35 Member
    embarrassing enough-this is me. For the past year or so I had myself convinced that I was healthy because sure I look thin in clothes, but underneath it's a different story. I actually had a DXA scan which measures body composition and my results were (i'm ashamed to say) 35% fat....eeek! As if that isn't enough motivation=something has to be done!

    I am incorporating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and more importantly more whole foods and less processed into my diet. My thing is cardio so I take cycle, zumba, and kickboxing during the week and usually spend one day on my lower body lifting weights. I know I need to do more!

    A couple weeks ago I was drinking EAS protein drinks and whey protein shakes to get in more protein but I felt like it was making me bloated and gaining weight. So I've resorted to just the basics of a healthy diet. Any advice is appreciated!
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes, people who are "skinny fat" are the people who lost weight strictly by dieting and did not exercise. As a result, they are thin...but are not necessarily healthy. They have little to no muscle tone, because if you loose weight by only dieting, you loose muscle as well as fat. Their legs and arms are very skinny, they may look like they have bobble heads, and their eyes may appear sunken. These are the people who according to the SCALE are at a healthy weight, but they have no muscle tone. If you loose weight by dieting only, you also loose muscle mass. This is ESPECIALLY true for dieters who don't eat enough protein and are undernourished.

    The only real way to avoid being "skinny fat," is to do strength training along with your cardio. As far as diet is concerned, you need to make sure you eat a minimum of 20g of protein after a work out. Otherwise your body will start to break down your muscles to get the protein that it needs.

    Basically.... you won't avoid "skinny fat" by diet alone. It has more to do with exercise.

    God bless!
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    embarrassing enough-this is me. For the past year or so I had myself convinced that I was healthy because sure I look thin in clothes, but underneath it's a different story. I actually had a DXA scan which measures body composition and my results were (i'm ashamed to say) 35% fat....eeek! As if that isn't enough motivation=something has to be done!

    I am incorporating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and more importantly more whole foods and less processed into my diet. My thing is cardio so I take cycle, zumba, and kickboxing during the week and usually spend one day on my lower body lifting weights. I know I need to do more!

    A couple weeks ago I was drinking EAS protein drinks and whey protein shakes to get in more protein but I felt like it was making me bloated and gaining weight. So I've resorted to just the basics of a healthy diet. Any advice is appreciated!

    yeah alot of proteins can give u bloating and gas.. just have to try different kinds till u find one that works for u.. also most of them if they give u bloating at first if u keep through a 5lb jug ull be fine by the next jug... or u could just eat a can of tuna each time u would of had a protein shake..
  • paintitblack
    I've been skinny fat most of my life! People always go on about how thin I am but my nude stomach tells a different story. :ohwell:

    I'm finding that exercise is making a difference. Since I've started exercising regularly my stomach has gotten much flatter and actually looks skinny rather than 'skinny fat'.
  • lindseymariep
    lindseymariep Posts: 35 Member
    I've been skinny fat most of my life! People always go on about how thin I am but my nude stomach tells a different story. :ohwell:

    I'm finding that exercise is making a difference. Since I've started exercising regularly my stomach has gotten much flatter and actually looks skinny rather than 'skinny fat'.

    agree! Whenever I say I'm going to the gym acquantences (sp?) always say "why I think you look great" I'm not gonna lie, it's great to hear but I know I need more work!

    Keep it up on the exercise! It will make a huge difference!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    only way to get through ur skinny fat phase is lift heavy weights... your job is no excuse.... all u need is 1hour to 1.5hours a day... watch a little less tv or wake up an hour earlier...

    Which is exactly why I am patiently...or not so patiently now!...waiting for my gym to open. I work third shift and plan on lifting heavy weights 4 days a week on my way home from work. I plan on doing cardio at home.

    I have been doing workouts at home, but even P90X didn't eliminate my "skinny fatness." I have Bowflex Selecttech weights, but I feel like I really need the machines, barbells, cables, Smith machine, etc. cause there's only so much I can do with dumbbells due to balance issues, wrist strength, etc.

    The gym was supposed to open July 1...now they are saying September 16...I am hoping this new date is correct, cause my goal of losing body fat is supposed to be at Christmas and that will give me a good 3 months which should show a difference.
  • EuroDriver
    EuroDriver Posts: 254
    best muscle builder=free weights.. dumbells, barbells etc...
  • proctorgirl07
    proctorgirl07 Posts: 68 Member
    I think skinny fat is what happens when you lose weight without exercise, no muscle tone or definition.

    Not 100% true.

    I am skinny fat. I wear size 8, sometimes a size 6, yet have body fat percentage of around 30%. And I exercise 4-5 times a week. I lost size with exercise and a moderate diet, but I was truly skinny fat. I didn't start losing body fat until I cut the crap out of my diet. "Everything in moderation" works for a lot of people, but my "moderation" means "less than you." Endomorphic body types like myself have to really dial into the diet AND workout a bunch to avoid being skinny fat.

    totally agree with this!!!
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Skinny fat is when you are skinny but you still jiggle!

    My definition anyway!

    Do weights or resistance training, and eat healthily.

    Alot of skinny fat, have alot of fat around their organs that is just as unhealthy as being overweight.

    If you're stuck for time and equipment, get a kettlebell, book/dvd, those things rock.