uhh!!! why cant i do it without phentermine???

so i have been taking phentermine to help me lose weight, but i know that i will gain all of the weight back after i stop taking it( i took it 3 years ago and gained all + some within 4 months after i stopped taking it.) i want to stop taking it, but every time i do, i eat so badly, so i end up taking it again. i think its a mental thing but i just feel like i cant do it without it.... today i woke up and i wasnt gonna take it. i kept walking by the cookies on the counter, trying to resist but i couldnt...so 3 cookies later i took it and i have been fine all day, not tempted at all. what should i do....help!!!!


  • nicolet04
    so i have been taking phentermine to help me lose weight, but i know that i will gain all of the weight back after i stop taking it( i took it 3 years ago and gained all + some within 4 months after i stopped taking it.) i want to stop taking it, but every time i do, i eat so badly, so i end up taking it again. i think its a mental thing but i just feel like i cant do it without it.... today i woke up and i wasnt gonna take it. i kept walking by the cookies on the counter, trying to resist but i couldnt...so 3 cookies later i took it and i have been fine all day, not tempted at all. what should i do....help!!!!
  • jenninsocal
    You CAN do it without it. Like you said, it is probably a mental thing. You think if you aren't taking it, then you will eat more, and then you do. Try to go without it for 30 days, and really tell yourself you will only eat healthy, low-fat foods. Try to find healthy substitites for your favorite foods, trust me, you will find yummy ones. You don't NEED diet drugs.
  • schatz
    I know how hard it is. If I want to eat something, even if I'm not hungry, it is really hard to resist. You just have to retrain yourself. Find somethig else to do when those feelings hit. Make sure that you don't have temping foods in the house. If you keep walking by the cokies and they're calling o you, throw them away. You CAN do this! Think of how proud you'll be when the weight comes off and you did it on your own.:smooched:
  • nicolet04
    thankyou!!!! i will do it!!! tomorrow is another day!
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    OK- here's the deal... I was once like you.... I would take it.. even when I wasn't watching my calories as a crutch to help me maintain because my eating was out of control. So When I really decided to REALLY do this- (I signed up in April but really didn't start until mid to late sept.) I decided I needed to do it right or I could never truely be healthy.. AND guess what.. I ate my allotted cals- did my exercise and slowly and steadily I have lost weight. WITHOUT the pills and without gaining anything back because I stopped taking them. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! :flowerforyou: