ups and downs of the day to day life

some days I feel like the weight is just going to melt off if I just keep going. other days I feel like no matter what I do the weight is never coming off and I am the reason for it because at one time I was the perfect weight and everything looked great and just because I was having a hard time I let food make me feel better when I should have found another way anyway but the food way. I use to just say I can stop anytime and make the weight come off RIGHT. and soon I have to look for the perfect dress but I do not know if I will be the right weight. what if when I look at my wedding pic I see this fat person that should not be in white.


  • modelgirl
    some days I feel like the weight is just going to melt off if I just keep going. other days I feel like no matter what I do the weight is never coming off and I am the reason for it because at one time I was the perfect weight and everything looked great and just because I was having a hard time I let food make me feel better when I should have found another way anyway but the food way. I use to just say I can stop anytime and make the weight come off RIGHT. and soon I have to look for the perfect dress but I do not know if I will be the right weight. what if when I look at my wedding pic I see this fat person that should not be in white.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i get similar feelings at times. it usually leads to me binging when i feel that dread that i'll never be at my preferred weight again.

    while today you may feel down, just remember tomorrow is another day:smile: