2200 calories = sad :-(



  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    yeah, don't weigh at the end of the day..bad idea..im sure it wont be so bad in the morning

    Exactly. You'll crap it all out.

    ha ha ha - nicely put :)

    I ALWAYS log my food, especially when I have a bad day. It really helps when a week later I think I am doing great with no loss but then I look back at my entries and see what I really did. Same thing when I drop a bunch of pounds I go hmmm what contributed to that? Don't skew your data!!

    Try to channel those bad feelings into a plan for next time or towards burning off a few extra calories this week :)
  • Fenyx
    Fenyx Posts: 87 Member
    To be honest I beat myself up if i don't log it. My first word of advice, don't stress on a day you decided to cheat. Also, never weigh yourself unless you just woke up and relieved yourself. your weight will naturally fluctuate 3-5lbs every day, so weighing in after you have slept (basically fasted) and after you have relieved yourself (cause seriously who want to count waste into their weight if they can help it lol). so don't bat yourself up, just make sure to stick to it for the rest of the week and don't let one bad day ruin all the goo you have already accomplished.
  • surfino
    surfino Posts: 17 Member
    the most powerful secret on weight loss, imho is how you mentally approach food.
    A Diet is just an habit, you don't have to be paranoid because one day you eaten a lot more than your "schemes".. It's nothing. Sometimes this can lead to a bad behaviour AKA "i don't eat for 2 days" etc. etc. which is dangerous for health and the diet itself (you'll gain more when on normal food)
    Don't think about it, you did it, it's okay.
    Just watch things on a long term point of view

    PS: Sorry for my english, im italian :)
  • ingies2011
    ingies2011 Posts: 127 Member
    Eating an extra 600 or so calories would represent only about one 5th of a pound of fat or less, ie very little, so don't stress about it, it is about carrying on that is most important.