Anyone doing the "Insanity" program?

So I was watching the Bears game and they were getting their butts kicked and I flipped over to the infomercial for Insanity. Haven't heard much about it, seems like people talk up the P90X more on here....just wondering if it's worth the 120 bucks? Making sure that if I stick w/ it and do it right will I see good results? The commercial made it seem awesome...those people were RIPPED! I want ABS again!! :)


  • britterbrittney
    britterbrittney Posts: 256 Member
    search the forums for "insanity results" you will see some awesome stuff!
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    love love LOVE Insanity! You have to make sure you eat enough or you will not lose weight only inches. I fell off the bandwagon but i am starting over today!
  • JennyGoforth
    Hi. I am a personal trainer and I tried Insanity this week. Overall, I think it is a great program. The problem for some may be sticking with it and doing the exercises correctly. I have a client that did it and hurt her back. You should find a workout partner to do it with you. It seems to be a lot of cardio. I am big on doing weights and cardio, but you can burn some serious calories.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    Thanks girls! I will have to search the forums about it. I am starting to think I really want to try it!! Why not?
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    im insane thats the same thing right?
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    What's your base level of fitness like? You need a decent level of fitness before starting Insanity otherwise you'll end up having to pause it. P90x is easier if you aren't fit already as you can modify more and the Cardio is easier. With both diet and commitment is everything.
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    If you've got a decent base of fitness to start and a drive to PUSH HARD, you'll be fine. If you're a beginner, if you don't want to work HARD (the people sweating and panting in the infomercial are no joke!) or if you have existing spine/neck/knee problems, you may want to look elsewhere. It's an amazing program and I can't speak highly enough about Insanity! It's perfect for cardio junkies like me who want something MORE. I lent my copy to my friend a week ago, and he's already dropped 10lbs. It's amazing!
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    I started this the last week in July. My fitness level is not that great and I do have to take more breaks than the people in teh tape. But I'm having Amazing results!. Lost 7.5 lbs and 12.5" during the 1st month. I am doint the 1st month over again so I can master everything and thenI will move one to the second month. On another note my Fits test results definitely improved so your fitness level definitely improves as well. I have been eating pretty well though. I do some other exercising in addition to Insanity and I typically eat between 1800-2200 calories a day depending on how many calories I burn. YOU HAVE TO EAT!!!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    If u know any computer whizes see if you can download it off the internet my friend did so I was able to burn it for free....cuz I dont think its worth the 120 bucks .....
  • kieva626
    kieva626 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm doing it now, its a great challenge! I started day 1 of month 2 yesterday and it kicked my butt. There is also an insanity support thread. I have a few pics in my profile from the first month! I didn't pay $120 for it but its worth it!
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Yeah I bought mine for $50 bootleg. lol. But a friend of mine downloaded it using bit torrent. I would google that and see what you find. She also has p90x. And it was free
  • TenLaws
    TenLaws Posts: 273
    Can you still get the t-shirt if you don't pay for the program? I want the t-shirt and I want to do the program, but $120 can buy me a textbook instead.
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    Can you still get the t-shirt if you don't pay for the program? I want the t-shirt and I want to do the program, but $120 can buy me a textbook instead.

    I wouldn't think you can, because you have to get the shirt through Beachbody....and downloading their company's products is illegal.
  • kimberg75
    kimberg75 Posts: 412 Member
    I guess my fitness level is average. I completed the 30 day Shred and I am currently doing No More Trouble Zones 3-4 times a week. I wouldn't say I'm a beginner by any means. I do long walks, lift weights some days....I like to change it up but am ready to try something different and more challenging.
    I won't have to do any illegal downloading though.... :) I was talking w/ a friend of mine the other day and discovered she has the Insanity program and I can borrow it from her! YAY!! So I won't have the shirt but I am going to give it a whirl starting in September and see how it goes!
    Thanks for all the advice everyone!
  • jaamhr
    jaamhr Posts: 1 Member
    I say Insanity is soooo worth the $120! My husband and I have completed the entire Insanity program twice now, also completed P90X twice, and a P90X/Insanity hybrid. In my opinion...Insanity is the more challenging of the two programs and will get you in the best shape of your life! However, I have no idea how they managed to get those abs...mine are a lot better but not a six pack! I like the Ab Ripper cd from P90X better for feeling like you've actually worked your abs good.
    Just the warmup in insanity is a great cardio workout!
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I do p90x and Insanity! They ARE amazing and SO worth the money! I've lost 22 lbs on the programs. Not to mention all the other benefits from the workouts. My husband and I live a very active lifestyle of running, hiking and biking, sense adding the programs I have noticed a HUGE difference in my stamina, endurance and over all fitness! I suggest starting out with the p90x program then working your way up to Insanity, but most of all.....GO FOR IT!!! You'll LOVE it!!!! :)
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    I guess my fitness level is average. I completed the 30 day Shred and I am currently doing No More Trouble Zones 3-4 times a week. I wouldn't say I'm a beginner by any means. I do long walks, lift weights some days....I like to change it up but am ready to try something different and more challenging.
    I won't have to do any illegal downloading though.... :) I was talking w/ a friend of mine the other day and discovered she has the Insanity program and I can borrow it from her! YAY!! So I won't have the shirt but I am going to give it a whirl starting in September and see how it goes!
    Thanks for all the advice everyone!

    Awesome! Just remember to push HARD! :)