No Working Out for 2 Months! D:

I recently had surgery and I'm still recovering (and will be for another 2 months)
what can I do to continue to lose weight while staying healthy
my body needs nutrients and stuff to recover so i dont want to eat too little, but since i cant work out for another 2 months, i dont want to gain weight. what do you guys suggest?

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  • starwhisperer
    From what I have read the biggest part of weight loss is what you eat not your working out. Working out certainly makes you healthier, and gives you those delicious extra calories to play with, but you will be fine if you stay in your calories. It is much more important to let your body rest and heal than to rush it into something it isn't ready for.
  • Movingonforbetter
    It depends on what you had your surgey for. IF you can sit in a chair and use your arms someway. At least you will be moving. Just watch the calories going in, you can get what you need to recover and still eat right. TRUST ME
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I read this and thought "That's a dream come true."

    Dear lord, i'm mental.
  • Movingonforbetter
    Hey I agree, at first I thought that too............ no major sweating YEAH>>>>>> ok me metal
  • sweetsapphire85
    I can't be on my feet for at least another week (after being off them for the past 10 days). I'm eating healthy and just staying under my calories and am still losing more than my 1lb a week. Take the time to plan out healthier meals. If you want to do some kind of cardio modified push ups will burn calories as well as punching (I add weights to mine to hopefully burn more calories) It's no where near my norm but i'll take what I can. I bought one of the swiss balls and use that for some exercise as well.
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    What has the doctor say? Are you not allowed to workout at all? Or can you workout but with restrictions due to mobility?

    They do have chair workout DVDs. I think Collage Video has them in their speciality section.
  • santosateos
    they said no physical activity for 2 months so im assuming nothing at all
    thanks to everyone for answering :)

    sorry if you thought this was an exercise-free secret lol
    i would have thought the same thing :tongue:
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Are you mobile at all? If you just had the surgery, give it a week or 2 (depending on the extent of the surgery) and ask the doctor if you can do some easy walking. Ask when you may be able to try gentle swimming or just able to paddle about in the pool. Don't push the recovery! Just do easy stuff when you feel able and gradually work up. Until then, just watch your intake and make it as healthy as you can.