New here

Well, I'm new here, and will be doing my best to follow through with this...

Unfortunately life and myself, seem to have a tendency to lose interest, or get distracted, or just plain royally mess up dieting and so on.

So I am approaching this not like a diet, but rather like a life change...let's hope it works...

I'll be trying to stay motivated and lose...*gulp* 180 pounds :D


  • lilrahme
    lilrahme Posts: 39 Member
    Its' what wer'e all here for! Help out when you need it!

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • mabelebam
    mabelebam Posts: 150 Member
    hi, welcome to MFP! it's a great place to kickstart your weight loss journey! we all get distracted and lose interest sometimes, so just holler if you need the extra boost and motivation.

    it will definitely be worth it in the end!


    PS: feel free to add me!
  • kingtekrin
    kingtekrin Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you :D
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    Welcome to the site. I have on here for 4 weeks now and found this is the easiest way for me to hold myself accountable for what I eat and exercise. I have lost almost 20 pounds in about 4 weeks. I suggest getting some "buddies" to help keep you motivated and supportive. I will send a friend request.
  • kingtekrin
    kingtekrin Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks Jeff! Accepted. Wow, way to go on your success! I think this will be a great place for me!