How do you lose 2 lbs a week?



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    easy!! cut sugar and carbs! NO MORE THAN 25 GRAMS OF SUGAR A DAY! This includes fruit too!

    yeah, no
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    I started last week, followed MFP's recommendations and my calorie counter, and have already lost 2+ lbs.

    It's possible. I've noticed no adverse health effects, either. I'm actually feeling as healthy as ever.
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    I lose between 1-2lbs a week, all i have done is cut out all the sugary fatty treats, watched my portions and made healthier food choices, no more late night binges.........then started working out........but the main thing that has helped me lose weight is logging all my calories and exercise here on mfp!! just stay focused, you can do it!
  • Glucocorticoid
    Glucocorticoid Posts: 867 Member
    2 lbs a week is probably not practical for you. It depends on a host of things, include gender and genetics. Generally speaking, females have to accept a slower rate of fat loss. What's the rush?
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Take a big poop.
  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    I eat around 1200 cals a day and burn about 1000 cals 5 days a week....some days it's more some days a little bit less.

    whoaaa. eating disorder

    Really? I just find that funny!
  • Tegan74
    Tegan74 Posts: 202
    Walking for 20mins burns about 200 that's easily done!!! :D

    Work out (7 days walking for 20 mins)= 200 per workout X 7= 1400
    Diet (eat 300 calories less than BMR)= 300 calorie deficit X 7= 2100

    When I do the treadmill (every night) it says 224 calories per hr. My speed is generally 3.0 ~ how fast are you walking and what is the incline on to get 200 calories every 20 mins. By those numbers I'm burning over 200 calories, an as of tonight over 400.....
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    I eat around 1200 cals a day and burn about 1000 cals 5 days a week....some days it's more some days a little bit less.

    whoaaa. eating disorder

    Really? I just find that funny!

    More like malnutrition really. Eating disorder actually requires more mental symptoms (I get sick of seeing it being thrown around in this board). But yeah. You're probably not getting anywhere near enough essential vitamins and minerals that way. Just sayin'.
  • HangoverSquare
    HangoverSquare Posts: 128 Member
    Take a big poop.

    My favorite way to lose weight.
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    Work your butt off, literally. Everyone's different.. eat better and exercise more. No one can tell you how to lose weight, just make better choices. I've only been "dieting" & exercising a little over 2 weeks and I'm down 16lbs... I cut my calories down to a healthy amount and the weight just fell off. I'm sure ill slow down to the 1lb or so a week, I honestly have no clue how I lost 8lbs a week considering I'm not tooooo much above a healthy weight. Who knows, just track your food, drink water and exercise.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Walking for 20mins burns about 200 that's easily done!!! :D

    Work out (7 days walking for 20 mins)= 200 per workout X 7= 1400
    Diet (eat 300 calories less than BMR)= 300 calorie deficit X 7= 2100

    When I do the treadmill (every night) it says 224 calories per hr. My speed is generally 3.0 ~ how fast are you walking and what is the incline on to get 200 calories every 20 mins. By those numbers I'm burning over 200 calories, an as of tonight over 400.....

    Wearing a heart rate monitor with a chest strap is the only way to get any sort of real idea. The treadmill numbers(unless reading from a chest strap HRM) are completely arbitrary and not specific to you. My HRM usually says I've burned around 100 or more calories than my treadmill says it should have been. Which do I believe? The one that knows my age, height, weight and beats per minute....not the one that simply knows how fast I'm going.
  • futurefitgirl88
    Walking for 20mins burns about 200 that's easily done!!! :D

    Work out (7 days walking for 20 mins)= 200 per workout X 7= 1400
    Diet (eat 300 calories less than BMR)= 300 calorie deficit X 7= 2100

    When I do the treadmill (every night) it says 224 calories per hr. My speed is generally 3.0 ~ how fast are you walking and what is the incline on to get 200 calories every 20 mins. By those numbers I'm burning over 200 calories, an as of tonight over 400.....

    Hey it was just a hypothetical number :P
    And as someone said later on...HRM is the best way to know your calories burned. Me and my friend wud be doing the same workout and turns out I burnt 200 more calories than her (she is 5 pounds lighter than me)...its all about your intensity of workout. Most workout vdos, jogging, running....the more you put into it.. The more you'll get out of it.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Walking for 20mins burns about 200 that's easily done!!! :D

    Work out (7 days walking for 20 mins)= 200 per workout X 7= 1400
    Diet (eat 300 calories less than BMR)= 300 calorie deficit X 7= 2100

    When I do the treadmill (every night) it says 224 calories per hr. My speed is generally 3.0 ~ how fast are you walking and what is the incline on to get 200 calories every 20 mins. By those numbers I'm burning over 200 calories, an as of tonight over 400.....

    Wearing a heart rate monitor with a chest strap is the only way to get any sort of real idea. The treadmill numbers(unless reading from a chest strap HRM) are completely arbitrary and not specific to you. My HRM usually says I've burned around 100 or more calories than my treadmill says it should have been. Which do I believe? The one that knows my age, height, weight and beats per minute....not the one that simply knows how fast I'm going.

    Actually, in addition to your weight, how fast you are going is all you need to know.

    When it comes to treadmill walking, the TM numbers can be the more accurate ones. That's because the TM measures the actual work intensity you are performing, and the energy cost (i.e. calories burned) prediction equations for walking and running at various speeds and elevations are relatively simple and well-validated. The only thing you really need is weight--the other stuff is not relevant. HRMs need the other data like age, height and gender because they need to include the additional data in their algorithms--that's because HRMs do not measure workload or calories directly--they just estimate based on an assumed relationship between heart rate and intensity.

    At faster speeds, TMs start to lose some accuracy because of the lack of wind resistance; above about 6 mph. At about 8.5 mph they are probably overestimating by about 15%.

    It really depends on how good your HRM is and how accurately you have it set up. I'd say if your HRM is off by more than 10%, unless it's a really cheap home treadmill, it's probably your HRM that is off, not the TM.

    (That assumes, of course that you are not holding on to the handrails).
  • Cmon78
    Cmon78 Posts: 67 Member
    I eat around 1200 cals a day and burn about 1000 cals 5 days a week....some days it's more some days a little bit less.

    whoaaa. eating disorder

    Really? I just find that funny!

    More like malnutrition really. Eating disorder actually requires more mental symptoms (I get sick of seeing it being thrown around in this board). But yeah. You're probably not getting anywhere near enough essential vitamins and minerals that way. Just sayin'.

    Well...thanks for the concern but I am not malnourished either. I eat plenty. I should add that I eat what my goals are set for( 1lb weight loss a week) and that's 1200+cals. I like to exercise, so yes, I do burn a lot of calories during the week. I will eat some of those calories back but not all of them. I don't lose 2lbs that often now but when I first started I lost 2-3lbs every week. Was I eating enough back then? Probably not but nothing I can do about that now! :o)
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Walking for 20mins burns about 200 that's easily done!!! :D

    Work out (7 days walking for 20 mins)= 200 per workout X 7= 1400
    Diet (eat 300 calories less than BMR)= 300 calorie deficit X 7= 2100

    When I do the treadmill (every night) it says 224 calories per hr. My speed is generally 3.0 ~ how fast are you walking and what is the incline on to get 200 calories every 20 mins. By those numbers I'm burning over 200 calories, an as of tonight over 400.....

    Wearing a heart rate monitor with a chest strap is the only way to get any sort of real idea. The treadmill numbers(unless reading from a chest strap HRM) are completely arbitrary and not specific to you. My HRM usually says I've burned around 100 or more calories than my treadmill says it should have been. Which do I believe? The one that knows my age, height, weight and beats per minute....not the one that simply knows how fast I'm going.

    Actually, in addition to your weight, how fast you are going is all you need to know.

    When it comes to treadmill walking, the TM numbers can be the more accurate ones. That's because the TM measures the actual work intensity you are performing, and the energy cost (i.e. calories burned) prediction equations for walking and running at various speeds and elevations are relatively simple and well-validated. The only thing you really need is weight--the other stuff is not relevant. HRMs need the other data like age, height and gender because they need to include the additional data in their algorithms--that's because HRMs do not measure workload or calories directly--they just estimate based on an assumed relationship between heart rate and intensity.

    At faster speeds, TMs start to lose some accuracy because of the lack of wind resistance; above about 6 mph. At about 8.5 mph they are probably overestimating by about 15%.

    It really depends on how good your HRM is and how accurately you have it set up. I'd say if your HRM is off by more than 10%, unless it's a really cheap home treadmill, it's probably your HRM that is off, not the TM.

    (That assumes, of course that you are not holding on to the handrails).

    I've got a Nordic does NOT know any of my personal data, it simply makes it's estimates off the incline/speed settings. The HRM is measuring beats....2 people doing the exact same thing on a treadmill does NOT burn the same amount...if the other person weighs twice as much...they will burn much more on the effort.

    And no...I'm not holding on to the handrails... :indifferent:
  • ohamberx0
    ohamberx0 Posts: 98 Member
    I eat around 1200 cals a day and burn about 1000 cals 5 days a week....some days it's more some days a little bit less.

    whoaaa. eating disorder

    Really? I just find that funny!

    More like malnutrition really. Eating disorder actually requires more mental symptoms (I get sick of seeing it being thrown around in this board). But yeah. You're probably not getting anywhere near enough essential vitamins and minerals that way. Just sayin'.

    Well...thanks for the concern but I am not malnourished either. I eat plenty. I should add that I eat what my goals are set for( 1lb weight loss a week) and that's 1200+cals. I like to exercise, so yes, I do burn a lot of calories during the week. I will eat some of those calories back but not all of them. I don't lose 2lbs that often now but when I first started I lost 2-3lbs every week. Was I eating enough back then? Probably not but nothing I can do about that now! :o)

    I'm thinking there's some confusion. Do you burn 1,000 calories extra PER DAY... or is that estimated for the WEEK. If so, that would mean you only consume 200 net calories a day, which is very malnourished if you're burning that many calories a day.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    I eat around 1200 cals a day and burn about 1000 cals 5 days a week....some days it's more some days a little bit less.

    whoaaa. eating disorder

    Really? I just find that funny!

    More like malnutrition really. Eating disorder actually requires more mental symptoms (I get sick of seeing it being thrown around in this board). But yeah. You're probably not getting anywhere near enough essential vitamins and minerals that way. Just sayin'.

    Well...thanks for the concern but I am not malnourished either. I eat plenty. I should add that I eat what my goals are set for( 1lb weight loss a week) and that's 1200+cals. I like to exercise, so yes, I do burn a lot of calories during the week. I will eat some of those calories back but not all of them. I don't lose 2lbs that often now but when I first started I lost 2-3lbs every week. Was I eating enough back then? Probably not but nothing I can do about that now! :o)

    I'm thinking there's some confusion. Do you burn 1,000 calories extra PER DAY... or is that estimated for the WEEK. If so, that would mean you only consume 200 net calories a day, which is very malnourished if you're burning that many calories a day.

    yeah. if you are netting 200 calories a day.. that should change.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Tomorrow begins my 4th week using MFP. I'm currently 9lbs down.

    I log everything that passes my lips and do my best to not go over. Most of the time it is a challenge to eat as many calories as I'm supposed to have. I signed up for a group challenge that requires me to burn 300 calories every 2 days which I'm sure has had lots to do with it since I am awfully sedentary.

    That is all it takes for me - but I need to lose ohhh say a hundred pounds. I'm sure once I drop a bit more I will have to move more to keep it going. I just hope it will get easier. I remember what it felt like to have joy in moving my body and I want to get there again.
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    Whooa :-) I love this site. I see all your comments and it does make sense. I dont' really have much to lose except my last stubborn 10 lbs. I lloked back as to when I opened/signed up on this was sometime in 2009 and I was 126 lbs. I never did anything except signed up. Only 2 weeks ago that I stumbled upon this site again and now taking it more seriously. My current weight fluctuates between 114- 112.6 lbs. I am only 4'10" - very small frame, so I have muffin top, no muscle definition. I joined the "Ripped in 30" forum and doing that 2-3x per week along with my 2x Step and sculpting class at my local gym. It seems that I am not losing weight but just maintaining. I started keeping track of my calorie per day as of yesterday too.

    I guess a pound a week would be nice too or something...but so far I haven't seen any movement...when I started two weeks ago I was 112 but when I weigh in this morning I was up to 114. So it is a little discouraging.

    I appreciate everyone's 2 cents... :-)
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    Keep track of your measurements too. You may find you are getting tighter instead of the scale moving.