Atkins Help..Please :) (I'm a newbie)

Hey guys! I have been on MFP for a while, but started the induction phase of Atkins on Saturday. So far so good, but I do have a few questions.

What are MIMs?

What is your go to meal to keep on track, especially for lunch?

What is the "Atkins Flu"??


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    MIM stands for Muffin in a Minute. You can find the recipe, and lots of variations on the Atkins site.

    My favorite is either a big romaine salad with veggies, chicken, a sliced hard boiled egg, blue cheese crumbles and a vinaigrette dressing OR tuna salad eaten with celery sticks as scoops.

    Atkins flu is what some people refer to the short period (a few days) of lethargy you might experience when first starting Atkins. Some people get it for a little while, some for a little longer and some never get it. Your body is adjusting to the lack of carbs. If you do get it, just keep in mind that it will pass shortly.
  • britnitennis
    Hi! I don't know what MIMs are but i did that atkins and i did not like it. I always had headaches and did not feel well. Plus you cut carbs for so long then after a certain amount of time you can eat them again? I don't know i also don't think its really healthy.
  • britnitennis
    Hi! I don't know what MIMs are but i did that atkins and i did not like it. I always had headaches and did not feel well. Plus you cut carbs for so long then after a certain amount of time you can eat them again? I don't know i also don't think its really healthy.
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    I believe the Atkins Flu is the feeling you get when you first start the diet - when your body is detoxing from processed food and carbs. You'll likely have headaches and feel tired if your diet was comprised of a lot of that. Be sure to drink a lot of water and that will help you.

    As for low carb lunch....the best bet is a large green salad with veggies and protein - chicken, salmon, tuna, hard boiled eggs. Keep high carb stuff off it - no croutons, dried fruit, and high sugar dressings. Watch out for carrot and corn, too. Use a drizzle of olive oil. This is something you can alway find at a restaurant - just be sure to check the ingredients when you order.

    I don't know what MIM's are - sorry!
  • srhatten
    srhatten Posts: 28

    I personally think Atkins is healthy. I have done a LOT of research and have seen people with great results. My theory is, whatever I have been doing eating wise in the past, obviously hasn't been working & it is time for a change! I can't think of a meal that I wouldn't eat carbs & I always struggled to lose weight.
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I don't do Atkins, per se, or any other official "plan." I'm just following my doctor's orders, based on some metabolism tests he did, but the results are remarkably like Atkins' induction phase: I need to eat fewer than 30 carbs per day and at least 350g protein per day. Unlike an Atkins dieter, though, I will need to maintain these levels for the rest of my life to stay healthy. So I've looked into Atkins and Paleo and Primal diets, for ideas on how to cope. There are people who have used this diet to control their diabetes or epilepsy for decades. So it is healthy and sustainable, you just have to figure out how to make it work for you with your particular body type, personality & lifestyle.

    The "flu" is the up-to-a-week it may take your body to adjust to getting its calories from fat/protein instead of from carbs. Some people get it badly, some don't experience it at all.

    Mild headaches may be due to dehydration. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and you should be fine. Often when people change their diet they forget about fluid levels.

    According to my doctor, the reason many people try and fail at Atkins is that they don't eat enough protein. I won't bore you with the biochemistry, but your body can either get quick bursts of energy from carbs, or it can get steady slow-burning energy from burning fat & protein. The chemical reaction that burns fatty acids also requires amino acids, which are obtained from protein.

    So: your body isn't getting carbs. It needs energy. It says, "OK, here's all this fat, let's burn this." But now for every three parts fat it burns, it needs one part protein. If you are constantly eating protein all day long, keeping your system well-stocked with it, your body has no problem and it burns the fat and everything is sunshine and rainbows. If you do NOT eat enough protein, your body looks around and sees your nice protein-rich muscles, and steals some protein from them. Then, you lose weight, but you're losing muscle mass along with the fat. This is a Bad Thing. This is what leads to people becoming tired, having less energy, and ultimately gaining back the weight.

    My strategy has been lots of no-carb protein powder that I can mix up into a drink every three hours to keep my system well-supplied with protein. I also stocked up on quick protein-rich snacks like hard-boiled eggs, cheese cubes, pork rinds, mixed nuts, beef jerky. Search the forums for threads about low-carb recipes; there are some good ones out there. I make spinach quiche in cupcake tins every weekend & freeze them to take & eat at work during the week.

    Good luck to you!
  • SOOZIE429
    SOOZIE429 Posts: 638 Member
    Check out the Atkins Support Group thread on here!! Great bunch of people!! Tons of tips and advice!

    See you there!
  • Sirchunx
    Sirchunx Posts: 24 Member
    I loved doing Atkins! My only problem was I love beer, which is soooooooo not Atkins friendly. It is also rough to pull off in todays society where most meals (when you go out to eat) contain large amounts of carbohydrates. I ate almost the same on Atkins as I am right now just cutting calories. It's all about leafy greans and protein, just don't fall into the "All I eat is bacon, Pork Rinds and burgers" category. It is where a lot of people go wrong with the diet.

    Good Luck with it!!!