Ugh, feeling fat

Question: If I'm staying well within my "no exercise" calorie allotment, but haven't been exercising, can I gain weight?

I feel despondent and fat today. It's been raining nonstop and freezing cold, and the only way to get to my gym is to walk. I know, I could watch an exercise video, but my dorm is tiny and I've been busy with exams. I haven't worked out (spin and body sculpting) since Saturday, and the previous few weeks I haven't been going quite as often--a combo of finals and a UTI. I was still going, just a bit less frequently (I used to go once or twice a day).

Is it possible to pack on a few pounds in the span of two days? I'm not overeating, but I feel pudgy. I was rubbing my chin and thought "OMG, WWWWHHHHHY does it feel pudgier than normal?!" Is my mind playing tricks on me? Most of my water has been in the form of decaffeinated, no-sugar added hot tea.

Life's going to suck if any time I don't exercise for a few days I start packing the pounds back on...


  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Question: If I'm staying well within my "no exercise" calorie allotment, but haven't been exercising, can I gain weight?

    I feel despondent and fat today. It's been raining nonstop and freezing cold, and the only way to get to my gym is to walk. I know, I could watch an exercise video, but my dorm is tiny and I've been busy with exams. I haven't worked out (spin and body sculpting) since Saturday, and the previous few weeks I haven't been going quite as often--a combo of finals and a UTI. I was still going, just a bit less frequently (I used to go once or twice a day).

    Is it possible to pack on a few pounds in the span of two days? I'm not overeating, but I feel pudgy. I was rubbing my chin and thought "OMG, WWWWHHHHHY does it feel pudgier than normal?!" Is my mind playing tricks on me? Most of my water has been in the form of decaffeinated, no-sugar added hot tea.

    Life's going to suck if any time I don't exercise for a few days I start packing the pounds back on...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member

    You are already eating 500 less calories a day than your body needs if you have figured your calorie needs fairly accurately. (You know it is not an exact science, right?)

    It (generally) takes most people 3500 excess calories to put on a pound. So you would have to eat 1000 calories a day more - minimum - to gain a pound in a week. You can lose weight without exercise: but it may take longer, and you feel yucky and it is hard to stick to a 1200-calorie-a-day limit. And you won't have much muscle tone. So you will look better with physical exercise.

    That said, your weight will fluctuate by 1-4 pounds at any given time within a DAY! Just depending on when you ate, when you um - eliminate - where you are in your monthly cycle, what type of food you ate, how much water weight you are holding.

    Relax. You shouldn't work out every day anyway. Read those top posts in "General" again.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Me too, but I look at it this way -- this too shall pass. I have to do 12 hours a week overtime, and I'm just not in the mood to exercise 4 days a week after 12 hour shifts. I will not have to do OT after January 15th, at which time I will get back on the sled. I've compensated a little by adding on a few allowed cals, and YES I FEEL YUCKY, and yes, I could continue to lose a teeny bit of weight. For now, I hover somewhere between 151 and 154 and it drives me crazy but that's the trade-off of having an extra $120 a week in my paycheck.

    But you should not feel yucky for long. You'll be fine. Yuckyness is caused by not working out. your body is accustomed to endorphins and that 'good feeling' you have after a workout, and you're not giving yourself that. Have patience with yourself. Try to make up for the lack of exercise with a 5 or 10 minute stretch out a couple times a day, take the stairs, park further away from your intended door, keep doing some ab work every day -- those little things matter! and they'll make you feel less yucky.
    Hope that helps.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I always like the simple answer: your a woman. :heart:

    I have gotten up one morning and felt alive, sexy and beautiful! :happy:

    Next day same jeans, same mirror....ugly and fat.:grumble:

    Get on the scale-same weight:noway:

    Give yourself a break. Your in finals and still doing awesome!!!

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • shkaki
    shkaki Posts: 234 Member
    absolutely, i go through the same thing. Saturday I felt great, felt fit and thin, and then sunday I had christmas with my family, i didn't over eat, but since I didn't make the food, i logged it the best I could and didn't have time to exercise (we were in the car most of the day)..and I felt like a balloon yesterday....Of course I didn't gain weight over night, but as women thats what our bodies (and minds) do to us.

    and there are many many studies that show to achieve long term-permanent weight loss, some form of regular exercise is essential for most people. Finding something that is enjoyable to do, fun and gets your heart rate up above its normal rate for 20-30min/day is best to work long term!!! if you dont enjoy traditional "exercise", have fun with it!!

    and good luck...dont be too hard on yourself! :wink:
  • Phoenixflame
    Phoenixflame Posts: 560 Member
    Thanks guys, I feel lots better. Today I bundled up and eskimoed over to to the gym. Had a nice workout and lunch right after. Food always tastes better after you work out!