To the ppl that r succeeding...



  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I still struggle! Been at this over a year and some days I can be good all day and blow it at night, but I always get up the next day and make up for it. To me, it's getting it right in your head first, the rest will follow. It's a lifestyle. You have to decide what you really want... for me one moment of yumminess in my mouth is not worth giving up how great I feel and what I see in the mirror. Good luck on your journey!:flowerforyou:
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I made myself a rule back in April when I started for the third time. No cheating. No matter what the occasion, if you stumble a few days a week, your body will not have a clue what to do with itself. If you can, "stumble" once a month.

    Also, exercise. I have tried to eat right and for-go the exercise and it doesn't work. You need at least an hour a day, three to four times a week to begin to make progress. I know it sounds like a lot, but you put the weight on over time, you'll have to work hard to take it off - but trust me - you feel a BA-zillion times better when it starts coming off and people begin to notice. That's my favorite part because I've worked hard for where I am.

    If you can't run, try biking. That's how I did it.

    Good luck!

    I couldn't run to start, I walked at a brisk pace of 3.0mph on the treadmill. I also used the stationary bikes and biked at around 14mph. That is great advice that he gave. You don't have to start off running 5k's you just need to start off. I think you have it in you!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    How many times did you stumble before you got it right?? Ive been a member of Mfp for about 2 1/2 months & have only lost 4.5 lbs, only to gain it all back. I know where im goin wrong. Not drinking enough water, to much sodium. Had 2 days this weekend that i made bad choices of eating bads things in & bad portions sizes. I have no support at home & no one around. I thank all of my MFP friends for the support, but its just not the same sometimes.

    I didn't just stumble... I stalled. Many times! Just keep picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and tell yourself that you can do this!!! The only people who do not succeed (eventually) are the one's who give up. :)
  • luvgreen25
    luvgreen25 Posts: 202
    I stopped counting the number of times I have stumbled or even failed. It got too depressing. :-) That being said, the successful part was getting back on track. Now I'm down 24 pounds and couldn't be happier with myself. I have never been a very confident or proud person, but I'm proud of the hard work I have put forward in losing that 24 pounds. I busted @$$ to get where I am. No, it wasn't easy, but that's what makes it rewarding. Start by making small changes and when you start seeing results, that will be the motivation to make more changes.
  • beachgirl10
    beachgirl10 Posts: 54 Member
    Best Advice I can give you is to take it day by day, set mini goals (weekly at first if you have to), don't be to hard on yourself when you don't do everything and be proud of every little things you do. Every morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say This is it, Today, i continue to change my life...
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    Thanks yall! I log everything that touches my mouth, even when ts bad! i promised not to lie to myself when i started MFP. i can see what im doin wrong. I havent touched coke n weeks, go out w my husband....he orders me a coke & i drink it bc he spent the money on it, should of just given it to him & drank water, but i didnt.
  • I think I have stumbled the past 3years but i dont think i was ever REALLY serious until now. I just started with MFP about 2wks ago and have lost 12lbs already. I mean i knew that crap i was eating wasnt good but i didnt know exactly HOW bad it really was. I struggle with water too because like a previous post, i only have tap water to drink at work but i use that stuff Mio and it "flavors" the water so it doesnt taste like lead lol. My biggest obsticle was beer, I used to drink like 6-12 beers everyday after work so just cutting that out has made a difference. It's hard, but i mostly stay motivated because i cant stand the way i look anymore. Im not huge or anything but I'm definately fat and just sick of it. You definately gotta take it one day at a time too. I mean after my first week I was expecting some kind of results and since i couldnt see it i was already discouraged. Well im over 240lbs! I'm not gonna see results for some time now but you know i already feel lighter! Just stay focused, cause once you get past the first 10days it'll seem like no big deal and then its all up hill from there! Plus try to get some exercise in at least 3x a week, even if its just a walk around the block or something, all forms of exercise is great! :smile:

    I even exercised with my cat last night because he's about 8-10lbs and was very helpful during some side-to-side crunches! lol
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    For about 3 years- until you want it intrinsicly, it's impossible to do.

    ^ this

    You have to know that you are going to do (not try) it at all costs. For me it has to be an obsession or there is no way of me succeeding!
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Thanks yall! I log everything that touches my mouth, even when ts bad! i promised not to lie to myself when i started MFP. i can see what im doin wrong. I havent touched coke n weeks, go out w my husband....he orders me a coke & i drink it bc he spent the money on it, should of just given it to him & drank water, but i didnt.

    leave it there or let him have, tell him, I don't drink calories anymore!
  • krisnatm
    krisnatm Posts: 34 Member
    When I know I'm going to have a hard time sticking to my calories like for my birthday or some other special occasion, I plan it as a "cheat" day. I still log my calories but instead of eating whatever I want without limits, I allow myself to go up to my maintenance calories. By doing that I still get way more calories than normal, but I don't gain any weight on my cheat day.
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    How many times did you stumble before you got it right?? Ive been a member of Mfp for about 2 1/2 months & have only lost 4.5 lbs, only to gain it all back. I know where im goin wrong. Not drinking enough water, to much sodium. Had 2 days this weekend that i made bad choices of eating bads things in & bad portions sizes. I have no support at home & no one around. I thank all of my MFP friends for the support, but its just not the same sometimes.

    Even with all the support around the ultimate motivator has to be the person losing the weight, so don't feel too down about it. I have a great support network, but often find myself trying to talk myself out of doing excercise or trying to convince myself it's ok to have an extra portion even though I know it's bad for me. I am my own worst enemy and that's my biggest battle. I also don't eat with other people during the day as I work from home so have to prepare my own meals and it's difficult not to go overboard and snack throughout the day.

    Keep logging on here (which is a positive in itself) and take each day as it comes. :smile:
  • neenaj33
    neenaj33 Posts: 347 Member
    No one is perfect, we will all fall, the most important thing is how many times you get back up! Good luck with ur first mini goal. You can do it!
  • Racheyj76
    Racheyj76 Posts: 34 Member
    I have lost and gained so many times in my life I stopped counting as well. In the past I have lost some or a lot of weight and then gain it all back plus some. I am now at my highest in my life and getting as I get older I worry more and more about my weight affecting my health. Here I am again with 160 pounds to lose and I really want the pounds off. I know there will be times when I cheat or eat wrong but I plan to not let it discourage me and get back in there. I know it can be hard without support and when you have kids and are making meals for a family it is much harder to always have healthy meals and eat well. Do you have a local YMCA or something that you could join. My YMCA has a weekly meeting that is free to members where everyone can talk and support each other. Another suggestion I would have if you haven't done it is talk to your hubby and tell him how you feel. I have been brutally honest with my hubby (he has always thought I was beautiful as I am) about my weight problems and since pouring out my heart he has become much more supportive and helpful. He has even started walking with me and helping push to walk farther each day and helps me set goals. I know before I really sat down and talked to him he didn't mind my weight and/or didn't want to say anything for fear of hurting feelings but now we are in it together.


  • Do it for your health, Log everything even drinks. try stationary bike you will burn more colories than walking and it is not as hard on your feet and legs. when I was at 243lbs it was hard on me to walk.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Oh and don't underestimate the importance of shallow reasons to lose... like I want to look hot in Christmas pics we send out this year! I have goals to be healthy too, but I have a whole lot more shallow ones, and they motivate me more. LOL
  • lcnelson
    lcnelson Posts: 279 Member
    We all have bad days and regrets. With that being said, you accept it and move on. The guilt from my bad choices ( eating an entire bag of breadsticks from the pizza place on Saturday night or not running that 4th day last week) eats me alive. I am still upset with myself for both of those things last week and will use them as motivation to NOT feel that way again.
    Good food choices and exercising will speed your journey considerably.

    Good Luck!
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Apparently you have analyzed your failures pretty well. My advice is to pick one of those poor habits and focus on changing it. For example, if portion size is a problem, focus on learning -- and adhering to -- correct portions. Do that for a month or six weeks until you've got it right.

    After that, pick another habit and do the same focused change on it.

    If you try to fix everything at once, you are setting yourself up to fail. The journey to perfect fitness is progressive. I'm 51 and it has taken a long time for me to identify my eating triggers and bad habits. It was only the last change I made that actually made the most difference. For me, eating starches leads to cravings and out-of-control eating. If I stay off them, I'm fine and I lose weight.

    If you are not exercising effectively, add 30 minutes more each day. Just that. Don't add 90 minutes and wear yourself out so you can't exercise the next day. Just add on. Then when you have the habit, increase by 15 minutes per day.\

    Baby steps. Baby steps will get you where you need to be.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    I was told the other day to cut out just a third of what you eat for 3 months and at the end of the first 3 months cut a third out again, it gives your body time to get used to fewer calories. I do agree with you MFP people give great support, husband not helpful. We went out for pizza the other night, I usually would eat 4 slices of pizza and pop, that night no pop just water and 3 slices of pizza. A little at a time. It makes it I'm NOT on a DIET just LIFE changing. You can friend me.
  • I cheated my plan so many times. But over all if you are doing more 'rights' than 'wrongs' then your weight will come off. Its all about balance.....its very hard. No one said it was easy.
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    I started slow as well. I find the biggest thing is to measure everything I eat. Even if I don't log it, I at least force myself to acknoledge how many calories I'm putting into my body at any given sitting. The next thing is to exercise, exercise, exercise. As much as possible. If you don't or can't belong to a gym, then walk. Have kids, take them with you. Go to the track at a local high school or midle school (they are normally fenced in). Try couch to 5k. The exercise helps you to feel healthy and more positive, even when the weight isn't coming off. It also allows more wiggle room in the calories department. Also, release the guilt monster. When you screw up, admit it to yourself, remember why you want to do better, and then move on. If you wallow in the guilt or frustration you will just continue to repeat the cycle.

    Remind yourself that you aren't trying to lose weight. You're trying to be more healthy. The weight loss will naturally follow.
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