Curves gym for women - thoughts ?

SuzMcH Posts: 343 Member
edited October 1 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi, The local Curves gym near me has some really good new member deals on just now and I just wondered if anyone has any experience.

I like the idea of half hour circuits as I'l always short of time (working mum with a 2yr old!) But just wondering how much can be achieved in 30 mins each session ?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You can burn a couple hundred calories in those 30 minutes.

    I got very bored with Curves, though. You can't wear headphones because you have to listen for cues to change stations every 30 seconds and I HATED the music they played. I've also found that most gyms offer all the same equipment plus much more, classes and even sometimes a pool for the same price or less.

    I suppose if you're very new to exercise and uncomfortable in a classic gym setting, Curves is a good place to start.
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    I started out at Curves but after a few months wasn't getting as much benefit from it. Sometimes it helps to be able to change things up a bit. Other than that, it was a good start and if you don't feel ready for a co-ed gym, it's a good place to begin.
  • Honestly I wouldnt recommend it. I have a friend that went there and she felt it was a waste of money. I just buy effective Beachbody DVD programs, push play, sweat off the calories, and build lean muscle. Works for me! Good luck in your decision-making for what works for you. :smile:
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I would suggest a gym that has childcare or a kid's program (since you have a young child of your own). That way you'll be more likely to stick with the membership. Curves in my opinion is not a great gym...the classes and schedule is better at other gyms. Curves is also not taken seriously in the gym world. It's a good concept (circuit training, women only) but I don't think they have a great reputation at least in my area.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    Um, I just think it's really expensive for what they offer, which is not much. It's literally just a few machines and then a space for cardio in between each. I did one free drop in session once and was bored.

    You could do a circuit at home - I think Jillian Michaels shred is actually a circuit DVD that a lot of people swear by. Circuits are a good way to burn calories and strength train though, so definitely try something. But I think save your money on curves.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    I won a free month pass to our local Curves and I was not impressed with what they had to offer. I went in there one day to check it out and there was only one lady working out and all the equipment looked old. I haven't actually TRIED the workout yet, but it didnt seem like a very vigorous workout.
  • LoveNevrNds
    LoveNevrNds Posts: 321 Member
    Personally I LOVE IT!!!! I workout there 4-6 times a week. It is awesome. I can burn anywhere from 420-600 calories in 30 minutes. Go in and ask for a free week. It is pretty standard for them to give those out and you can try it for yourself!!!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I joined it after years of being sedentary. It helped get me moving again. But like others have said, it got old quick. When my membership was up I did not renew. If you've been sedentary I recommend it as it's only a half an hour and will get you on the path. If you've already started fitness workouts then I'd recommend classes at a gym or just using the weight machines there.

    I found the cost was expensive in comparison to a full bells and whistle membership to my local gym.

    Good luck!
  • misskimlilac
    misskimlilac Posts: 306 Member
    You can burn a couple hundred calories in those 30 minutes.

    I got very bored with Curves, though. You can't wear headphones because you have to listen for cues to change stations every 30 seconds and I HATED the music they played. I've also found that most gyms offer all the same equipment plus much more, classes and even sometimes a pool for the same price or less.

    I suppose if you're very new to exercise and uncomfortable in a classic gym setting, Curves is a good place to start.

    Totally agree!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I also want to add that I wasn't losing weight at all with it (although, looking back, I probably didn't need to lose weight then, but you know how we women are! lol). I mentioned this to the women working there and they told me, "You have to do more exercise than this."

    Now, all these years later, I agree with that. But it was marketed as a great weight loss program and "all the exercise you need." To be told after joining and paying that it wasn't enough -- by the staff -- was pretty annoying.
  • CandyR1018
    CandyR1018 Posts: 101 Member
    I did a curves membership for about a year, i agree with the other posts that it is a great way to get started with exercise. The right leaders can be very motivating and the machines are very easy to use. I would recommend getting the smart card though because that helps you push even harder. I wouldn't commit to more than 6-12 months though.

    Also, in my area, I was 38 when I joined and I was the baby of the group!
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I pay $35 a month for Curves and can't remember the last time I went... Oops.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I would not give Curves my money for a lot of reasons. One being that the founder is, in my opinion, a pretty awful guy. I don't want him getting my money, even residually. The second is that it is not safe, according to most experts. The machines are built so that you don't need to change weights, but work on some sort of resistance. They can cause injury in a lot of people.

    And of course, it would get incredibly boring doing the exact same 30 minute workout every day.
  • I tried Curves a year ago and I really did not like it. I felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again. I really did not like the music either. I have been working out in a gym in my town and I love it! There are four times the machines if not more and the people who work there are so nice!!! I only pay $30 a month and if I have more people come with me the price goes down. Right now there are three of us that work out together.
  • I've been a member of Curves for two months now and I have to say that I really enjoy it. The reasons are:
    1) There is always a trainer watching as people work out and prepared to offer tips without charging an extra cent. For us seniors (I'm 61 years old) it's reassuring to know that someone is actually paying attention so we don't injure ourselves.
    2) the vast majority of members have seen the backside of age 35 some time ago - so I'm not "competing" with a disdainful 20-year-old -- which is something that happened at another gym I used to go to. Nobody makes me feel stupid, or fat, or old.
    3) Most of us work out in comfortable old clothes - unlike the gym I used to go to. My ancient shorts and T-shirt definitely did not fit with all that spandex around me.
    4) It's women only -- that's getting harder and harder to find elsewhere.
    5) If you don't show for a few sessions, someone calls you to encourage you to come back. At the gym I used to go to, the trainer told me I was coming too often (5 times a week) and discouraged me from coming: the result was that I got out of the rhythm and ended up paying the contract year without attending for the last several months.
    6) The optional smartcard (offered at some of the locations) tells me when I'm not working to full capacity and gives me an analysis at the end of the workout.
    7) I really like the idea of getting in there, doing a full workout in 30 minutes and getting back to my VERY busy life.

    The cost? It's a heck of a lot less than Herbal Magic pills and a lot healthier - maybe when I've worked out there for a year, I'll feel more comfortable about going back to the first gym, but for now - it's really working for me. -- and , oh yeah: it was my trainer who told me about
    It may not work for everyone, but it works for me and several other women in my age group, so I would suggest to anyone: try it at least once and then decide whether it's for you. There's a lid out there for every pot :)
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    I definitely recommend trying it. I also recommend bringing a friend/mom/sister. That way, you'll be more accountable, and have someone to chat with if you're not overly outgoing. It also keeps it from getting boring, it can be monotonous.

    I used to work there, and in my 4 months, I lost 27"overall. I only lost aobut 10lbs, but the inches just fell off! After I had my kids I went back and loed it for exactly the reason you're talking about. It was quick! I could get in a great workout in 30 minutes. My local Curves has everyone do the smartcard. It's awesome! I could burn 500 calories in my half hour.

    I HIGHLY recommend it. If someone tell you you have to do more than "just Curves," they are mistaken. Of course your diet needs to be healthy, but other than that, you don't need anything else. It's cardio and strength in one workout.

    You will find that you're definitely on the young end of the age spectrum in a Curves, but I honestly made some of the best friends there. In fact I regularly join a group from there for coffee. I'm the youngest of the group by 35+ years, but I LOVE my "Curves Gals" as I call them!

    Good luck, and you'll have to let us know if you try it out and how you like it!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've been a member of Curves for two months now and I have to say that I really enjoy it. The reasons are:
    1) There is always a trainer watching as people work out and prepared to offer tips without charging an extra cent. For us seniors (I'm 61 years old) it's reassuring to know that someone is actually paying attention so we don't injure ourselves.
    2) the vast majority of members have seen the backside of age 35 some time ago - so I'm not "competing" with a disdainful 20-year-old -- which is something that happened at another gym I used to go to. Nobody makes me feel stupid, or fat, or old.
    3) Most of us work out in comfortable old clothes - unlike the gym I used to go to. My ancient shorts and T-shirt definitely did not fit with all that spandex around me.
    4) It's women only -- that's getting harder and harder to find elsewhere.
    5) If you don't show for a few sessions, someone calls you to encourage you to come back. At the gym I used to go to, the trainer told me I was coming too often (5 times a week) and discouraged me from coming: the result was that I got out of the rhythm and ended up paying the contract year without attending for the last several months.
    6) The optional smartcard (offered at some of the locations) tells me when I'm not working to full capacity and gives me an analysis at the end of the workout.
    7) I really like the idea of getting in there, doing a full workout in 30 minutes and getting back to my VERY busy life.

    The cost? It's a heck of a lot less than Herbal Magic pills and a lot healthier - maybe when I've worked out there for a year, I'll feel more comfortable about going back to the first gym, but for now - it's really working for me. -- and , oh yeah: it was my trainer who told me about
    It may not work for everyone, but it works for me and several other women in my age group, so I would suggest to anyone: try it at least once and then decide whether it's for you. There's a lid out there for every pot :)

    It sounds like you somehow found a REALLY bad gym. I've belonged to a few different full-service gyms and never had any of those experiences.

    I'm sorry that happened to you, but please don't assume all gyms are that way.
  • Sharonsimon
    Sharonsimon Posts: 56 Member
    hi i go to curves every day it is ideal with me having 4 children and fitting a full hour gym class would be inpossible especially over the school holidays. I regulary burn between 550 and 650 calories in 30 minutes. I do agree with some of the other ladies saying that it gets boring but its only half an hour and you will soon make friends, i tend to natter all the way around about anything and everything it is a great community and some strong friendships can form
  • 2gabbee
    2gabbee Posts: 374 Member
    I echo the responses you have gotten from others. You will find excuses not to go for you will get bored. Check into your local community center for a workout room,fitness classes,some offer swimming. Zumba Gold is a better work out than what you will get at Curves. Check out Leslie Samsone Walking tapes. Great for winter when you can't get out. Look into Meetup in your area for walking & fitness groups, hiking etc to find like minded people in your area. I find I forget I'm exercising when I'm working out with a new friend. The workout room in my community is 2.00 to use with weights, treadmill,stationary bike, stepper to name a few per usage. Good luck in your new journey toward a healthy lifestyle.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I checked it out and it wasn't for me, but my workouts aren't for the next "guy" either, exercise is sort of personal in that way. If you're intreagued I think the "ask for a free week" advice is awesome, the worst you can say is you tried it!
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