just wanted to show off :p



  • crystalmichelle82
    Yah for you! I went from a 28 to 25 inch waist, pretty excited. Down from 120 - 110 lb :smile:
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    Two out of three is great! Good job!
    my pants are loose, my boobs are shrinking! and i definitely have an extra bounce in my step now!

    2 out of 3? lol
  • jessienicole05
    jessienicole05 Posts: 83 Member
    :flowerforyou: CONGRATS to you!!!! Our stats are so similiar!! :happy:

    my SW:277 APPROX
    CW: 246

    And my goal weight i have yet to completely settle on but i'm thinking between 140-160 max
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    way to go! that is awesome :D:D:D
  • dorairwin
    dorairwin Posts: 210
    That is very exciting; great job! :flowerforyou:
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member
    Just beautiful!!!! - 35 here!! :love:
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Way to go!! Keep up the good work!!
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i think when i lost my first 30 lbs was when i started to figure out that "this is actually happening!!" and it was an awesome feeling! good job and good luck!
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    Congrats!!! 30 lbs is major. I've lost close to 85 and my goal is 100 total so I am about 15 lbs from goal. It seems like a lot (And it is) BUT with consistency it WILL come off and there are so many great rewards along the way as you can see (loose clothes, shrinking body parts, cheekbones, compliments, more energy, etc). Feel free to friend me if you want for support. Keep up the good work...You can reach your goal!!!

    that is super awesome!! im so happy for you! im definitely loving the compliments! before, i was so fat and unhappy, but now, im still fat, but i know im doing something about it, and everyone else knows im doing something about it , so you have an extra ounce of confidence that was never there before! and im totally loving every minute of it! sometimes it seems like its all i talk about! but only because its such a huge part of my life now and im so super excited about it!! :bigsmile: keep up the good work!! your doing amazing!
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    Fantastic, well done!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Congratulations, very inspiring. I peaked at your profile pics and well...wow, just wow, you look amazing.
  • Aloxander
    Aloxander Posts: 121 Member
    I am so PROUD to hear this! :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations on this major success! Now you know you can achieve anything you desire. May you continue on your journey of weight loss :wink:
  • sjgreathouse
    I know you have been at it longer then me but this thursday I will be at it 7 weeks and I have lost 9 pounds, and my goal is 140 so I have about 40lbs to go!! but anyways Congrats on the 30lbs! that is absolutely awesome!!
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    That's great! You're doing amazing!! Thanks for sharing! You'll get to ur goal weight in no time:)

    I started MFP in April @145lbs and now I'm @118lbs, that's a 27lb loss!! I love MFP, I couldn't have done it w/o MFP and all my MFP peeps!!!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    i agree! i :heart: MFP!! keep it up girl!
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    Congratulations! It is an amazing feeling. I just hit my first 20 lbs and it feels great! You keep it up. I saw your starting picture and current picture...WOW! Keep up the hard work...you're worth it!

    why thank you :blushing:
  • ssdivot
    ssdivot Posts: 193
    Great work!! You look wonderful! I'm so happy for you. I started at the exact same weight and have a tentative goal of 150. I'm down 15 pounds so far, but the more important thing is the confidence from knowing that I am finally doing this in a healthy way that will be sustainable as a way of life! Keep up the good work! Oh btw I notice your location, and I lived for many years in Bowling Green and Fostoria!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    Congratulations!! 30 lbs is amazing! You are definitely on your way to a new you :)
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    :flowerforyou: CONGRATS to you!!!! Our stats are so similiar!! :happy:

    my SW:277 APPROX
    CW: 246

    And my goal weight i have yet to completely settle on but i'm thinking between 140-160 max

    Thats awesome!!
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    Just beautiful!!!! - 35 here!! :love:

    and SOOO proud of you girl!! :drinker: :heart:
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    i think when i lost my first 30 lbs was when i started to figure out that "this is actually happening!!" and it was an awesome feeling! good job and good luck!

    i know right!!! im so excited! congrats to you too! you look amazing!
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