I need help with my nuts!

As a an (almost) vegan, i want to start eating nuts for protein etc, so purchased 2 big bags of mixed nuts today in the good old Holland & Barratt 'buy one get one for a penny' sale!

Problem is, I have no idea how much I should eat per day, and how to measure the calories and fat in them. The bags contain brazils, almonds, pecans and walnuts, so if I had 2 of each say, as a snack each day, what would the values be?

I've always been scared of eating nuts because they are so calorie and fat dense, but I know they would improve my health


  • army_cobra
    army_cobra Posts: 136 Member
    Most people i know and inform i telll them to eat nuts for the fat not protien. Peanuts are a good source of healthy fat and yes some protien. Healthy fats are good for you but only to a certian point. I see you are a almost vegan have you tried protien shakes for the protien?
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Nuts are in the food menu.
  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    Not sure if greek yogurt fits your "Almost Vegan" life style. But it is a great source of protein that can be used in a variety of way. Plain NONFAT OIKOS Greek Yogurt. I add mine to my daily recovery protein shakes. Its great as sour cream substitute and also great to add ranch dressing packet to for a tremendous dip. No fat, little calories, little sugar and you get 12 - 15 g. of protein per 1/2 cup!
  • Kabula
    Kabula Posts: 97 Member
    YOu can eat a handful! Nuts fill you up fast so! a handful should be good as a snack! Also eat beans to replenish on protein!
  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    Nuts are good, very good actually, in a balanced diet. Seeds too for that matter. Just try not to go overboard.
  • dafoots0911
    dafoots0911 Posts: 347 Member
    Your topic heading is funny. I laughed when I read it.
  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    Just do a search for 'mixed nuts' instead of trying to track each variety seperately. I eat Costco's brand of mixed nuts & it has all of the ones you listed. Generally 1oz. or 1/4c. of nuts has about 200 calories & 17g fat. I hope this helps! :)
  • Hi,

    The best protien source for a Vegan would be quinoa. It is the only non animal protien source that contains all of the amino acids. It is similar to rice in how to prepare but it is really a grain ? dating back to the aztecs. I cook mine in a little veggie stock for more flavor. There are tons of of ways of cooking it available on line.