

  • getnfitn2011
    I totally agree Sondra should get a pass =) And really if anyone else feels like that is too much we can adjust it...I know for me personaly I get 100-120 but thats because I am thirsty so I drink lol. Like I said ya'll work this out so it is doable for you!!! And Sondra, of course you get a point...you will be doing what is best for you and that is what this is all about! =)

    Cheryl and Sarah so glad to have you two are here!!! These two gals are such a source of encouragement and really have blessed my heart in the short time I have known them so I am SO glad ya'll are here!!!

    Well today is all about the final stretch before school starts and I am really organizing like a MAD woman!!! I just wanted to pop in and say Hi and also welcome our newest to the group!! =) I hope ya'll are having a super blessed day and I will "talk:" to ya later!!
    P.S would you guys rather scratch the challenges and just stick with support and motivation and encouragment?? Like I said I was just tossing out ideas so let us know what you are thinking and if that means changing what was already set, well thats just fine! I just don't want anyone to feel like they can't be apart of this group if they don't do a given challenge, the main idea is to have this fantatsic group as a source of encouragement the challenges were just a way to kick it up a notch =)
  • msdlbliss
    msdlbliss Posts: 2 Member
    Location: Michigan
    Married?: 19 years at the end of July.
    How long ya been homeschooling? : Just about to start our 5th year.
    # of kiddos:4
    Kiddo's ages: 15, 11, 10, 5 (6 in September)
    Current weight 166
    Goal weight 130ish
    Fitness routine: I've been doing a lot of jogging in place with and w/o the Wii.

    We started hsing 5 years ago because God called us to make a change. Our oldest daughter was about to start 6th grade. After a conversation with her and much, much conversation with God, we decided to start hsing. I am looking forward to a place where we can support each other in our journey.
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    hey guy's...
    cirriculum question. have any of you heard of or use or have used cirriculum from Alpha Omega Publications? I seen it advertised in a church magazine and fixing to look into it, i was just wondering if any of you had any suggestions on it??
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    I use Alpha Omega. When we first started homeschooling 10 years ago, I bought the set of Lifepacs for the grade. Each subject is covered in 10 workbooks. As my son got older, we found other publishers for some subjects and stayed with Alpha Omega for some using Switched on Schoolhouse.
    My evaluation:
    LifePacs: Nearly no prep work on my part. Very thorough for the younger grades, but not as complete as we got into middle school and high school. Mastery program (meaning one topic is covered completely before introduction of new material) can be too redundant when the subject is easy for my child.
    Switched on Schoolhouse: Minimal prep work for me. Assigning work due dates and grading done for me. Thorough coverage of topics. Games and links to more information. But, the program doesn't recognize equivalent answers, e.g., if the answer is 'houses' and my child types 'homes', she'll get it wrong. Math is too tedious (each number in the answer requires clicking on a seperate box).

    This year for my 2nd grader I am using Alpha Omega Math and Language Arts, Apologia science "Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day", and The Mystery of History for core classes. As well as Art and Life Skills (chores).

    Hope that helps!
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    thanks so much...it did help.....i used one last year my sister found called my father's world...didn't really like it. then someone gave me A.C.E but didn't have all the workbooks, but i really liked it. all i need to do is order the extra workbooks for A.C.E, so i might do that....or i may end up with my father's world again, and hope first grade is better then k because it's a little more in our price range...
  • linemansgirl
    I had a horrible tragedy happen in my life on Wednesday (horrible, senseless death of a friend) so my brain isn't really here to read and comment. :cry:

    I was down to 162.5 this morning, so down 2.5 pounds! :smile:
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    So sorry about the loss of your friend. Healing prayers coming your way.

    Nice job on the loss.
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Oh, Mandy, so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend.
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Pattie, I read a book in the early years of my homeschooling that guided me in curriculum choices. It's called "100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum" by Cathy Duffy. It has worksheets that help you determine your child's learning style as well as your teaching style, then suggests curriclum for that style, and also reviews all the curriculm suggested.

    (Go to http://cathyduffyreviews.com/unit-studies/my-fathers-world.htm for a detailed review of My Father's World 1st grade.)

    ~Kendra (KayJay)
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    Reporting: 194. -the 1st/base weight at the beginning of our challenge.

    (Next week we'll report change between now and then. As well as the points for successfully completing the jumping jack and water goals. Right?)
  • getnfitn2011
    Hey guys!! SO sorry to have been missing the last couple days....dealing with some stuff that is no fun and has me kinda frazzled...first off would just like to say so sorry to Mandy for the loss of your friend!! I am praying peace and comfort over you and the family at this time!!!(((HUGS)))) On the other end of the spectrum congrats on the loss!!

    I'm holding steady at 211...TOM just reared up so not all that suprised, next Friday I hope to see a good drop!!

    Patti- I hope you get the curriculum sorted out...I know how stressful that can be so I am praying that the Lord will lead you to the right one for you and your kiddo!! =) I am doing my Father's world for the first time this year and hoing it goes well! I love the Charlott Mason way of teaching so I have high hoopes but we will see!!

    Kendra- I will be reporting for the challengs so I am with ya girl!!!

    Man yesterday kinda snuck up on me and I totally forgot I was supposed to weigh in! By the time I remembered I had already had a big mug of coffee and my first 30 oz of water...yeah I was hating that scale.....but I woke up this morning ready to get going!!This might be TMI- but I had alot of the syptoms of being preggo...which would have been really amazing because I had my tubes tied with my last baby! I have heard of ladies still having children even after having this done so for a few days (TOM was really late) and all the other signs kinda had my husband going ...what if?? I felt alot of pressure to have my tubes tied from my family and my husbands....my side because how sick I get (I LOSE on adverage of 30 pounds and have to be hospitalized and fed through an IV) and on Allen's side because we are not wealthy enough by their standards to justify having another child. Long story short three years after I am kinda going Oh man, maybe I shouldn't have caved in!!! Either way it kinda threw my husband and I for a loop last week when all these syptoms surfaced, but I am at peace now. I gave it to the Lord and am gonna leave it there! Hope that wasn't too personal to share, its just something that really had me conflicted and brought up alot of things I didn't even realize were in me and made everything kinda turn upside down with the "what if's" playing in our minds!!
    Anyway, I am back, I am committed and I can't wait for this new week too start!! Now that I have written a book I will just say I hope ya'll have a very blessed weekend and I will *see* ya'll on Monday!!!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    I totally forgot to weigh in as well...still holding at 180, but TOM is messing with me.

    Misty, I had the same problem this spring with being late and having symptoms of being preggo. I also had my tubes tied and with being 41 was a little freaked out. Turns out it was the change starting to rear its ugly head and I've been late other times since then...sigh. I actually know someone who who had her tubes tied and hubby got snipped and still ended up preggo...so nothing is 100%.

    Next week is our last week of summer break, so I'm getting everything set...sending in reporting forms to the school district, and last minute things all set up. Busy, busy!!
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    Pattie, I read a book in the early years of my homeschooling that guided me in curriculum choices. It's called "100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum" by Cathy Duffy. It has worksheets that help you determine your child's learning style as well as your teaching style, then suggests curriclum for that style, and also reviews all the curriculm suggested.

    (Go to http://cathyduffyreviews.com/unit-studies/my-fathers-world.htm for a detailed review of My Father's World 1st grade.)

    ~Kendra (KayJay)

    thank you so much!!
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    I'm ready to go!! I've got 24oz of water down, getting ready to hit the workout including jumping jacks! Today I'm doing one of Bob Harper's biggest loser workouts (here's where the jumping jacks come in) and a belly dance workout after lunch.

    What are your plans for the day?
  • evangpattismith
    evangpattismith Posts: 57 Member
    Patti- I hope you get the curriculum sorted out...I know how stressful that can be so I am praying that the Lord will lead you to the right one for you and your kiddo!! =) I am doing my Father's world for the first time this year and hoing it goes well! I love the Charlott Mason way of teaching so I have high hoopes but we will see!!

    the thing i didn't really like about My Father's World, is we were given the basic package instead of the delux, so i didn't have everything i needed....also it was my first time to homeschool, so i was kind of lost anyway...lol...i still am...i don't think i'm cut out for this, but I know God will lead us!! i'm trying to decide if I want to go with MFW again, or A.C.E and just order the workbooks I need..I really like A.C.E......??? lol
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    I'm reporting my 50 jumping jacks and 118 oz. of water today.
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    @ Pattie: Oh no, don't feel like you 'aren't cut out for this'. It can be very discouraging when you feel like you are floundering, but there's alot of support - have you looked into locating a homeschool support group in your area? My group has been a treasure trove of support, resources and connections for me and my children. Also, when you find the curriculum that fits your style of teaching, teaching becomes a joy. Given more time, you'll also learn what your child responds to, what she likes and how she learns best. You can do it. Hang in there!
  • KayJayKing
    KayJayKing Posts: 53 Member
    10 jumping jacks - 100 oz water.
    (I forgot about the jumping jacks until now - 10:52pm! I quickly got 10 done, but I plan to get more than that in tomorrow!)
  • doriekaye
    doriekaye Posts: 55 Member
    hey guy's...
    cirriculum question. have any of you heard of or use or have used cirriculum from Alpha Omega Publications? I seen it advertised in a church magazine and fixing to look into it, i was just wondering if any of you had any suggestions on it??

    Hi Patti,

    I thought I would throw this in since you are having trouble deciding on a curriculum. We use a mish mash of different things because I couldn't find a boxed set that I liked everything about. We use Saxon Math, Rod and Staff English and Spelling, Apologia young explorers science, All American history, plus anything else I find interesting along the way. If you are looking for an inexpensive and very religious curriculum look into Rod and Staff, it's written and published by the Mennonites. It's very "sweet", but also very complete.

    I would also look into support groups, If there isn't a local group, check out online groups. I know yahoo group has a bunch. I can tell you it's not an easy choice and there have been times that I just wanted to stick them both on the bus and have some time off, but I never did. It also gets easier once you get your rhythm and as the kids get older they work more on their own. Don't give up, it's SO worth it!!
  • Sonchie
    Sonchie Posts: 259 Member
    Sorry I havent checked in sooner! I want to say ive read the posts and am so sorry for you, Mandy for your loss. Praying for your strength through the grief.

    I also want to say, Ive done jumping jacks in a few of my classes but didnt count. We have to do them a minute at a time which is usually about 70 for me....so im guessing I did three sets one night which would have been 200 or so and 2 sets another night for 140. Ive been getting in about 64- 80 ounces of water daily, plus I weighed in on Friday. Im holding on, but no loss. I dont expect to lose anything.

    As for the questions about Alpha Omega curriculum, Ive done Lifepac, SOS, and am now using the Monarch online program. All I can say is Wow! This Monarch is kicking me in the head. My daughter is 7th grade and some of this stuff i'd struggle to pass! Im a bit worried for her. She is ADHD and really struggles with focus and memory. She can't put her own thoughts into words much of the time, so its really a struggle to get her to do a "good" even mediocre report or essay.

    Im praying God will just be with us each and everyday throughout this year, and I hope you all will keep us in your prayers. I know homeschooling has its rewards but with a student who struggles so much, its a highwire balancing act! Still, Im happy to be able to do this. School was torture, in more ways than one.
    Happy day, fitness freak pals!