Tracking Intervals and your yearly milage goals

I'm trying to hit 1000 miles this year and oddly enough after almost 2 years of running and 2 half marathons today was the first time I've ever done intervals.

I did 4.5 miles total .5 miles of running warm up 8 400 m sprints w/ 8 400 m walking recoveries. In my mind this should only count as 2.5 miles of running, but I'm getting opinions that the entire 4.5 miles would count towards my 1000 mile goal.

Opinions? I know this is totally an OCD question, but what can I say I'm OCD! And I don't want an * on my total :)


  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    All I can tell you is that my calorie burn for run/walk intervals is at least as high as straight running. I'm sticking with intervals permanently. To me, it's the same as running the whole distance.