strawberry cheesecake recipe 151 calories

kerenf Posts: 24 Member
I tried to alter the recipe that had the best reviews online for strawberry Cheesecake

for the crust -
I crumbled low fat/low sugar akins bars and blended it in with crumbled up low calorie cereal to press as a crust
****** with a different crust this would be a lot less lower calorie recipe!!!!!!!! **************

filling -
1 (5 ounce or 400g ) package frozen unsweetened strawberries, thawed
3 ( 600 g) packages cream cheese, softened - meaning it needs to be room temperature
½ (250 g) cup milk
½ (250g ) cup cottage cheese
1/4 (130 g) cup lemon juice
4 eggs
2 tablespoon water
5 tbs vanilla powder
100 g or 2 cups of sugar substitute

1st. make the crust how you prefer and put it in the fridge to cool off and harden
2nd. blend the strawberries with water, 2 tbs vanilla and 2tbs water. Blend them in the blender until there are no lumps. In a small pot bring to a small boil and add some table spoons of your sugar substitute. Turn off stove and let it simmer and cool off while on it. Once its cool enough put in the fridge to bring to a cool temp.
3. use a blender to blend the milk and cottage cheese until it becomes smooth without any lumps. The end result should look like heavy cream.
4. with a mixer, mix the cream cheese, eggs, lemon juice, milk and cottagecheese blend. Mix well. Slowly add the sugar substitute and vanilla.
5. take the crust out of the fridge and add half the cheese content.
6. take the strawberries out of the fridge and add half of the strawberries onto the cheese.
7. slowly add the rest of the cheese mix. Once all the cheese mix is fully added..swirl the cheese blend
8. after its baked and cooled - Serve each piece with some of the strawberry sauce drizzled on top!

Bake at 300 degrees F for an hour or until center is almost set. Cool on a wire rack for 10 minutes. Carefully run a knife around edge of pan to loosen; cool 1 hour longer. Refrigerate overnight. Remove side of pan. Thin chilled strawberry sauce with water if desired; serve with cheesecake. Store in the refrigerator. ** I actually took a lot longer baking it than the recommended and over did it!

