5.8 Earthquake



  • sgreene87
    sgreene87 Posts: 323 Member
    Its the beginning of the Zombie Apocalypse...
    Remember you heard it here first!!

    LOL!!! Just make sure you run faster than your friends and you will be okay.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    We felt it here in western North Carolina . . Asheville & Hendersonville area to be exact.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I was at work in Reston, VA and the office building was swaying. We were evacuated after it stopped as a precaution. I thought it was cool, but then again, I am a scientist. :P
  • jadeblue14
    jadeblue14 Posts: 182 Member
    Just north of Philly. We were outside eating lunch when all the trash cans started shaking. We thought it was the quarry.
  • sweetchick06
    sweetchick06 Posts: 30 Member
    We felt it here in NYC. I work on the 19th floor. First I felt a head rush, like when you get out of a chair to quick and a nauseous head spinning feeling rushes to your brain. But I was sitting down so I said to myself “Uh oh, that’s not good!”. Then a picture behind me started swaying, and the 8 foot wall of glass next to me starting vibrating, and so did my water (think Jurassic Park) and then I thought (Wow, that’s REALLY not good!) and some co-workers stood up and asked if anyone else was feeling it. Phew! Thought it was me! The whole building was swaying back and forth, I was standing up and had to grab onto my desk. It wasn’t large big shaking like you see on TV but it was enough to make me feel disoriented like I was about to fall. Being in NYC, everyone in the office automatically thought it was a terrorist event. We all ran to the windows to do a “head count” of all the buildings.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    At work at Newark Airport - Yup felt both rumbles and watched things fall off the shelves then I grabbed and headed for the stairs - they evacuated the airport - I thought that meant I could go home but NO...... stay and do more work - like I can think - I feel dizzy.......

    They made me stay too, piles of work and no time to completely finish. And yeah I felt mad dizzy
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I was in my office in Alexandria, VA...it was crazy. I thought the building was going to come down. My file drawers popped open and a bunch of stuff jumped off the shelves (on the 6th floor of a 6 story building). One of the guys down the hall looked as shocked as me. The other, who has spent some time in CA, instinctively dove under his desk. It was actually kind of funny....

    I came home b/c I didn't want to stick around for any aftershocks:-) Had some broken crystal and a few crooked pictures, but all is well. One of my cats is still hiding though...he's fine, but he won't come out.
  • ehensarling17
    ehensarling17 Posts: 95 Member
    Felt it here in Baltimore! A few things fell around the house -- I ran up and got my daughter up from her nap and we ran outside. Freaky!
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    Felt it in Mass!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    I live about 30 miles from where the epicenter was in Mineral, VA (I live in Spotsylvania). I was at work and building just started shaking like crazy! Thought it was going to fall down. We were all evacuated for about 30 minutes. The office was buzzing after that. Nobody could get any work done. I've never been in an earthquake that large! Luckily no damage to my house. Had one thing fall off the top of my china cabinet... but that was about it. I was luckier than some though. We have a lot of structural damage to the older homes in our city.... right now they are fighting a major gas leak.... but so far, no injuries that I know of. What a crazy day!!! :noway: