PISSED, isn't even the word!!!!!



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. It's great that people can already see a difference! Keep up the good work.

    As for their assumptions, just smile and tell them diet and exercise is all it takes. It's their loss they don't understand there is no magic pill. Dedication and hard work do pay off.
  • woopteedoo
    tell them you diet and work out it is that easy. Im cutting right now and you can tell after about month or so and people ask me if im on meds i just tell them im on the meth diet lol
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    I know what you mean. people have said "you've lost a ton of weight." how rude ! I had lost maybe 16 pounds at that point. certainly not a "TON" I'm down 25 pounds now and am finally going to a smaller jean size. People have asked me if I'm on any drug. I'm simply committed to losing weight and working hard at it. no drugs-no purging. jeez.. I've had people argue with me about how much weight I've actually lost. one girl said, NO WAY you've lost AT LEAST 30-35 pounds. It makes me angry. I have a scale that I step on at least 5 times a day (bad habit-I know) I know how much friggin' weight I've lost !
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    The people that ask me are just wondering if there is finally a magic pill that works.
  • Carlton_Banks
    Carlton_Banks Posts: 757 Member
    They can kick rocks... you keep on doing what you do
  • leapfrogs
    leapfrogs Posts: 8 Member
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I know what you mean. people have said "you've lost a ton of weight." how rude ! I had lost maybe 16 pounds at that point. certainly not a "TON" I'm down 25 pounds now and am finally going to a smaller jean size. People have asked me if I'm on any drug. I'm simply committed to losing weight and working hard at it. no drugs-no purging. jeez.. I've had people argue with me about how much weight I've actually lost. one girl said, NO WAY you've lost AT LEAST 30-35 pounds. It makes me angry. I have a scale that I step on at least 5 times a day (bad habit-I know) I know how much friggin' weight I've lost !

    The "you've lost a TON" gets me too. I finally responded to someone by saying that I actually never weighed a whole ton. They'll probably find a better way to make that compliment in the future. I expect that those asking about drugs are not necessarily critical, they just want some.
  • sonnyless
    sonnyless Posts: 142 Member
    This is the deal..... it's called IGNORANCE! People don't realize that it's possible to lose weight without starving yourself or taking some pill. It's like a huge shock for people to hear the words "exercise" and "healthy eating." Then when you finally lose the weight in a healthy way you get criticized for losing too much. Girl just stay focused and do YOU! Keep your eyes on the prize!! Best of luck to you! :)
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I've had people ask me if I'm sick or on drugs because I've lost weight. What the hell? Is it a crime and automatically an indication of something "wrong" for people to lose weight and get healthy?

    Lord. People need a life. Plain and simple.

  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I get told that too.. and because I'm taller, and the weight has more places to go, I look thinner then I really am.
    My trainer even asked me once um, are you eating? and I was like uh yea... I eat like a freaking healthy pig dude! I can't control what my body does...

    Let the haters hate and when you look fantastic and they still look crappy, then they'll be quiet.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    People ask me what this (MFP) website is that I'm on and I tell them, and they are kindof disappointed that the website itself isn't magic. They are like "well what do you do on the website to lose weight?" and i'm like "haha, I motivate and get motivated, but I lose my own weight with hard work!"
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    I'm sorry! Honest I giggled to myself a little bit when I read this.

    Some people just don't believe you can have the discipline to do it all on your own. Let them think whatever they want. It doesn't dictate who you are and it sure doesn't negate all the hard work you put into it! Even losing 5 or 10 lbs does make a difference. My friends all see it in my face. Maybe you don't feel like it's coming off fast enough but the best way to keep it off is slow and steady.

    Just do you and don't worry about everyone else!

    Well said. I agree with you 100%.
  • Nicolasina
    They are ask because they want to be on what they think you're on. So just take it as a lefthanded compliment.
  • 2pinks1blue
    When I lost weight before getting pregnant with my third child, half of my town (small town=big rumors) was convinced that I was on drugs lol. I chalk it up to jealousy :)
  • CoxTX
    CoxTX Posts: 30 Member
    The comment about being on drugs is just wrong. But, like many have said on this thread, if they can't do it themselves, they assume you must be doing something shady because you're succeeding.

    Depending on the person, I usually wait until they mention something about dieting before I say anything about their weight loss. And I'm always careful HOW I say it. 'Wow, you look great! Have you lost weight?' can be 'heard' by some as 'You were so fat before you looked like hell'. To be honest, I don't always notice . . . which is terribly ironic since I want every ounce I've lost acknowledged by somebody.

    Men are easy . . . you can just wink and say 'You've been working out, haven't you?' and most of them just beam. Although once I said that to an older man that had visibly lost some weight and he replied with 'No, I got cancer. But thanks for noticing.' Ugh.