menstrual weight gain?!

Okay, yes, I will admit I have been indulging a little more lately. It's not my fault though, blame it on all-you-can-eat pizza night at Studio Movie Grill and the Turtle Fudge Brownie at Pappadueax's. When I got on the scale this morning to see the what kind of damage I had done, I had gained 10 pounds!!! I started my cycle Monday. Please tell me this is all just water weight gain or something...


  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    It's probably mostly water weight and maybe a little actual weight gain from your pigout. I always try to be extra strict when TOM comes because I hate big setbacks. I usually do best during the week of my period. Maybe I should pretend I'm having my period everyday lol
  • WhisperALullaby
    WhisperALullaby Posts: 67 Member
    Join the I hate TOM weight gain club...I'll go up anywhere between 4-6 pounds right before a period. Thankfully it comes back off. Try weighing yourself again in a few days after some bloat starts to get off, and then see what damage was really done by the small pig out.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    It's probably water retention. Partly from your menstrual cycle, and partly from all the sodium in the pizza and brownies. I gain about 5 pounds right before my period and hold onto it until the day after my cycle ends.

    And the last time I had an over indulgence, I was up 4 pounds from the extra sodium and sugar. So if you combine the two of those together it would have been a 9 pound gain. Fortunately they were at two separate times, lol.

    I'd give it a full week before you step on the scale again. In the meantime, be pretty strict with your nutrition plan, and be sure to drink lots of water.

    God bless!