Bulky arms

I'm doing TEAM bootcamp at the gym and am far less strong then the other peeps in the class. Yet my arms are so much bulkier- it looks like I should be able to pick up a 100 lb weight many times no problemo. But I'm actually really weak- using less than half of the weights of everyone else and can't do as many reps. What's the deal? Is it just fat? It looks like mostly muscle...maybe. I heard weights don't make you bigger, food does. Maybe it's all the carbs I eat? I've been cutting down lately though and getting more protein for lean muscle. Also do a lot of cardio and yoga, and make sure to stretch. My husband has commented too on my arms and asked if they are going to keep getting bigger with all this weight lifting. And people have said I could kick his *kitten*- LOL. Little do they know I'm really not very strong...yet. I just hope they get stronger ...AND LEANER.
