struggling !!

so my wedding is in 81 days (november 12) and I was dieting two weeks ago and i was very motivated then i slowly distroyed my dieting!!! I'm 250 right now and I would like to lose ATLEAST 10-20lbs before my wedding which is probably impossible.

I'm putting my foot down and controlling myself from today on. Tonight is my first Zumba Class, let's see how I like this, if not its back to the gym I go....

I'm confused and have no motivation for myself even tho I hateee how i look and my wedding is right around the corner. I feel like a lost soul..


  • scl552
    scl552 Posts: 8
    I understand how you feel. I, too, hate how I look, but dont have much motivation when it comes down to working out. I've never been someone that enjoys working out. So dont feel alone, your not the only one who feels like this!

    I hope you enjoy Zumba, I've never tried but I've heard good things from friends. I started Jillian Michaels DVD workout, Shred it with weights last week, and so far I like it. I haven't seen any real weightloss yet but its only been a week.

    Good luck to you! And congrats on your upcoming wedding!
  • mamakathy
    mamakathy Posts: 130
    You can do this! Set several achievable mini goals and stick with it. At times when I feel defeated, I like to look at the success stories and be encouraged. If they can do it, so can I!!!!
  • skinnybliss
    skinnybliss Posts: 24 Member
    Read, "The Anderson Method". It is written by William Anderson. It is a very understanding book of what you are going through. The author himself struggled with weight his whole life and finally figured out how to keep it off. You can get it on right to your phone, for like, $9. It's worth it. Read it. You'll be glad you did.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Well, look at it this way.
    You can get stressed about it, end up not really doing anything positive to lose the weight, and your wedding will arrive anyway.
    Or you can take one day at a time, and do the best you can today, tomorrow, and the next day, and you have a chance to lose some weight.

    Also, 81 days is over 10 weeks. 10 lbs is only 1 lb a week, so you stand a chance of reaching that. Just remember you won't lose it all at once. Even if you only lose 5 lbs, wouldn't that make you feel better?
  • wow thank you everyone and i will definitley look into that book !!! I never looked at it as 1lb a week with 10lbs! I will try my best thank you everyone !
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm not sure if this will help much, maybe you are already doing what I'm gonna suggest, but I hope something I say helps spark some motivation:

    Personally, I rely on self first to motivate myself. (It's FIRST, not only). I have my self motivation kick every morning when I wake up. I step on the scale and weigh in everyday. This helps me throughout the day and helps me get my butt in the gym. It encourages me and dares me to choose the right food. If I want a snicker bar, I can ask myself, "Snicker bar or 209 lbs"? When I'm about to "pass" the gym and walk to my car instead, I can ask myself, "burn calories eat more see 209 lbs" or "go home and play on the internet".

    Second, I read as many posts as I can. MFPers have helped me stay focused and encouraged. Your cries for help and motivation, your successes and hardships, your suggestions and recipes are pushing me forward everyday.

    Third, I reply to posts. Even if all I say is way to go or good job or "BUMP"... I try my hardest to let you all know, I'm here too. With you, by your side and never against you. If you ask for a swift kick up your butt, my reply will be, "I'm IN". Even if you don't know that I'm a gentle *****cat and wouldn't harm a fly. Let your presence be known to others. It helps you as well.

    And the last thing I want to mention is, I hope you are at a minimum, focusing on drinking water and LOTS AND LOTS of water and making better eating choices. Exercise is important but if you need to start, start with what you are putting into your mouth first. If you are anything like me, the exercise part will follow shortly after.

    And if nothing I said helps at all, I apologize, but please know that you are NOT ALONE! You can connect with SOMEONE on here! Just don't stop keeping on!
  • Hi there,
    I am new to this message board thing but have been watching what I eat and excercising for about 4 yrs now. It is really tough to get started on the "working out " part but once you get started you will start to see the results and it will just become part of your daily routine. My advice is to find something that interests you ...if not it will just become a chore, and nobody likes chores!
    Once you start seeing results it will become addicting I actually feel worse when I dont excercise!
    I find it also helps when you have a workout buddy!

    Good Luck .....You can do it!
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187
    You can do it!

    My wife was the same, do a gym class when you can and at home do some Yoga moves and stretch band work, also dont look at your weight, measure your inches instead so the dress looks perfect and the weight will take care of its self.

    Good look and have a great day.
  • You can most likely lose 10-20 lbs healthly by doing a low GI/GL diet. You eat healthy foods, and eat 3 meals a day, with 2-3 snacks a day. You can lose an average of 1-2 lbs a week doing low GI/GL diet.

    I'm currently doing low GL diet, and I've lost so far 2 lbs last week, and 1.8 lbs this past week. I'm not hungry either, and I don't have to worry about being malnurished or anything. GL is better than GI because it allows more foods, and also it takes into consideration of the amount of food. I don't have diabetes, but this diet is really working great for me, as I love to eat my veggies, fruits and good carbs. I've also been eating dark chocolate everyday.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Don't give up... keep at it and Moushtie's right... even if it's only 5lbs lost, it's 5lbs in the right direction.

    Congrats and Enjoy your Big day (sorry no pun intended) :happy: I'll be celebrating my 1st anniversay the day after :love:

    You can DO IT :flowerforyou:
  • PrairieRoseNE
    PrairieRoseNE Posts: 265 Member

    Try not to call it a diet - the word diet sounds so depressing and restrictive. Think instead of healthy living or health journey, etc....

    Each day when you get outta bed, say to yourself, "Today I dedicate this healthy living day to __________" (Insert your fiance's name) Tomorrow dedicate your efforts & motivation to someone else you love, like your Mom??

    When you hit a "bump" in the road and are tempted by a sweet treat, say "Ok Mom, because I love you, I'm gonna pass up this donut"

    When you don't feel like exercising, visualize your Dad saying "OK sweetie - don't quit now, there's still time to exercise"

    Take the focus off yourself and do the Healthy Living thing for someone special in your life.

    This mindset helps me keep going, when I feel like throwing in the towel :)

    ~~Prairie Rose
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I hear you on the motivation front!

    Here is what I do to keep it going....I make concious efforts to watch what I put in my mouth, and I will delay eating something if I think I don't need it, and drink a tall glass of water. If I still really want it, I have it!

    I take as many extra steps per day as I can, get a pedometer, wear it all day long, I have the Omron one that can clip on or slide into your pocket! LOVE IT! It is super accurate and keeps me motivated.

    Eat your exercise calories! Don't starve or the weight will not come off. I was stuck on a plateau for 40 some days and I finally gave in and did what seemed backawards to me and ate more....Broke my plateau and dropped a full dress size!

    Don't freak out about the scale, watch the inches, they count!! Set mini Goals, they feel good to meet and motivate you to keep going!

    I am here if you want to talk and ENJOY!!! You will remember the day with great fondness even if you are not at a goal weight! I just celebreated my second anniversary and even though I was not a size 2 in my pics I look at them with such fondness and love and I think I looked pretty damn hot too! This is a lifestyle change, not a diet!
  • Hi jennifer....You've gotten a lot of great advice. The only thing I can add is that you are getting married and I know your husband to be wants you around for a long time! Mainly, however, you are worth the effort for YOU and eating a lot of food isn't worth it or gonna fix anything. I always ask myself "Is this ____ (fill in the blank with food/drink) worth my health? My life?" I admit that sometimes the answer is YES it is, but mostly not. In the end, the motivation has to come from within but there is a lot of support here too! If I can help in anyway, let me know.
  • AMAZINGG comments guys I greatly apprieciate it wow im amazed and love this! Everyones comments are sooo helpful!