Filling the Void

hharp Posts: 5 Member
Every one wants good health.. I am no different. However my real mission is to feel good about ME again. I love to work out and when I don't I feel as if something is missing in my life. Like a void. I feel its time to fill that void again and need the positive reinforcement I am hoping to receive from this community.


  • GeekMomma42
    Welcome! Glad you are here. I totally understand the need to "feel good about ME" ... that's how I ended up here too. Being a mom makes the ME hard to focus on sometimes. Good luck on your journey! If you want another mom in your corner, feel free to add me.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I have found that once I made the decision to devote some time and energy back into me, all of a sudden i like me again, i respect me again, and funnily enough that has carried over into other relationships, i care more about others.

    So when people say "I don't have the time". I say, make the time, it'll pay off in all areas of your life.

    If you let yourself go, those negative spirals keep on getting bigger.
  • suzieb1971
    suzieb1971 Posts: 312 Member
    doing this healthy eating and exercising thing is one of the best ways you can feel good about yourself. even if its a very slow journey, you just feel good inside knowing you are doing it for YOU and no-one else. as wives/mothers/employees/carers etc, we focus so much of our attention on others that we sometimes forget about ourselves.
    well, we need to stop doing that, and to really focus on ourselves. we can only look after others if we are looking after ourselves. thats something that i took a long time to realise, but now i am going to be a little bit selfish and say '' worth it!!'' :bigsmile: