Help! Not sure what to do.

Hi folks--

So, I've been tracking my food intake for three weeks now without any real changes except that I'm so hungry! I'm a vegetarian, and I think I eat fairly well, with a few treats. It's important to me to eat whole foods, and so I try and limited processed foods (although I admit, I adore bread and beer, which, along with potato chips, are my treats).

I've been exercising a lot because a.) I love riding my bike, but b.) I eat all my calories up by lunch, and even then I'm starving! Starving might be a slight exaggeration. But I'm definitely hungry until I can add extra calories.

Now, I've always had what I think must be a high metabolism, which I believe has to do with me having a lot of muscle. I'm 5'8", 170 pds, a size 10 in clothes. I've been a backpacking guide for the last two years, which means I live outdoors and carry everything on my back, and when I'm home, I ride bikes. I'm pretty sure that when I'm not tracking my calories I eat about 3,000 per day. I mean, this summer, on my time off, I ate a few eggs and tortillas for breakfast, a cheese sandwich with tortilla chips for lunch, cottage cheese for a snack, two or three slices of pizza for dinner, and three or more beers (I know, a lot!). But this hasn't affected my weight -- I've been about 170 for ... ever.

Now, I've cut back so that my net calories are about 1,700, and I'm the same weight, except hungry.

What gives? What do I do next? Is it simply too soon to expect change?

Feel free to friend me if you want to check out my diary and help me.

Thanks mucho in advance.


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You should try to change your exercise routine. It sounds like you do a lot of the same. (riding your bike, hiking) which is great, but your muscles get really used to that -- try a class (kickboxing, body pump, etc)... I started doing sprints at the gym -- on whatever machine I'm on - and that really jump started things again for me when I felt like I was in a rut.

    Also, do you take in enough protein, or is it more carbs? Protein always helps me feel less hungry. Also, have you figured out what your BMR is?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    If you know you have a high metabolism and are that active, you probably need to add a lot more calories to your diet. In your case, your hunger is probably a justified response from your body needing more fuel. This is different than people that are hungry out of boredom (like me!). Is your protein intake high enough? Protein can keep you full longer.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    are you trying to lose weight?

    Sounds to me that you are pretty active...Just make sure to avoid processed foods. Eat a lot of veggies and protein. Stay away from sugars and try to avoid eating to much salt. Drink a ton of water. This is only if you are trying to lose weight....
  • brandynigna
    Hi there!

    These are a few things that helped me when I was 18 and 100 kg (about 220 lb). They not only helped me lose weight, but stay fuller for longer. If you're already doing these- sorry for telling you the obvious.

    1) Wholewheat. Not sure if you already do this when you talk about 'whole foods', but wholewheat bread and pasta will keep you fuller for longer.

    2) Water. Water Water Water. The 1.5-2L recommendation is a bare minimum (I found this out last week, which is why it's a massive revelation to me). This week, I've been drinking at least four litres a day, and I feel far less hungry. With all the exercise you do, you'd probably need even more than that. It's apparently because the 'thirst' urge is much weaker than the 'hunger' urge, but they're very similar. As such, very often when we think we're hungry, we're actually thirsty. A good way to increase your water intake is to have 1-2 glasses (250-500 mL) before each meal.

    3) Treats. Oh my goodness, I hear you there. Chocolate, chips and especially bacon (OK, maybe you don't crave that last one). I now keep a bowl of my favourite fruit on my coffee table, and one in my bag (Golden Delicious Apples). Between meals, I can tide myself over with one of those for just 50 cal, instead of the 250 for a small bag of Peanut M&Ms.

    Dammit, there's another craving. Good luck! :)