6-7:30 PM

Hi, I'm fairly new to the site. This is my first forum topic. I need advice on fighting the cravings between the time I get home (5:45) and the time my Hubby gets home (7:30ish). I could dinner. I don't feel right not eating dinner with him, but he gets home TOO LATE! I am STARVING by the time that he gets home. I do sometimes fit a workout into this time slot, but some nights I'm just too tired to do it. That's when those craving monsters attack. I'm not talking just sweets. I mean ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

I sometimes eat a quick low cal snack when I get home, but then my body thinks it is time for dinner and I just want to eat everything in sight! :-(

Any tactics???


  • CallieDerenthal
    CallieDerenthal Posts: 170 Member
    you could try having a snack and then working out to occupy your mind while you're waiting for your hubby and dinner. sounds like maybe you should try to get your body used to a new eating schedule. maybe you could have your snack 15 minutes later every day until your tummy doesn't expect food til your hubby gets home around 7?
  • jillybean18353
    Drink water and if that doesn't help just eat a low cal snack but eat it slooooowly. that's what I do when I'm hungry but know I'll be eating a meal soon.
  • Drea702
    Drea702 Posts: 17 Member
    I have this problem as well and my hubby is home! Maybe shower.. do a manicure... pedicure...some house work... read a book? Try an activity that will keep your hands occupied. Yard work, fold some clothes, chew gum. I hope I don't sound silly but I really try and get myself to do somethings around the house so I don't sit and think of food because I love food and I love to eat. Don't watch TV!
    Welcome to the forums I don't post too often but I do read.
  • katharos3
    katharos3 Posts: 154 Member
    You could try having a snack at 4:30 or 5, so you aren't starving by the time you get home. And try to find things to keep you busy during that time, like working out or folding laundry.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I have this exact same problem. I get home from work around 3:30. My boyfriend gets home at 6:30 - so I cook dinner. But since my day starts earlier, I'm hungry - starving - by 6:30. I'm always hungry after work, and by 6:30, I want to eat anything and everything as well. I've been grabbing those Skinny Cow cheese wedges - they are 35 calories per wedge, and some low cal / low fat crackers, and eating those while drinking a glass of Crystal Light - Ice cold - while I cook dinner around 5 - 5:30. It helps. I'm still hungry, but it helps me remain in control before dinner. Some days, I just don't make it. I forgive myself on those days. :-) I also don't feel right eating without the man.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Soooo, what I have learned....

    I'm not alone in this.
    Drink more water/Crystal Light (Greatest invention ever lol)
    Have a snack in the late afternoon-- I'll double what I take with me, half for mid morning and then half for afternoon. :-)
    Even if I don't feel like it, get off my butt and exercise!
    Don't watch TV (unless I'm working out)

    AND, Lalabear apparently has a secret camera in my house and knows that I have laundry to do! ROFL!
  • katharos3
    katharos3 Posts: 154 Member
    Soooo, what I have learned....

    I'm not alone in this.
    Drink more water/Crystal Light (Greatest invention ever lol)
    Have a snack in the late afternoon-- I'll double what I take with me, half for mid morning and then half for afternoon. :-)
    Even if I don't feel like it, get off my butt and exercise!
    Don't watch TV (unless I'm working out)

    AND, Lalabear apparently has a secret camera in my house and knows that I have laundry to do! ROFL!

    lol I just assume that everyone has as much laundry waiting to be folded as I do.

    That sounds like a great plan, btw! I hope it works for you. :)