Burning Calories

How come I burn more calories riding a bike than walking according to MFP?? seems easier to ride a bike? and i Feel i get more of a workout when walking...


  • rachelhanks
    You use more energy to ride a bike because you are moving your legs more, and also your heart rate is probably a little higher riding the bike as well. I guess it also depends on how fast you are riding the bike and also how fast you are walking. If you walk really fast, but ride your bike slowly, than you might be burning more calories walking. It is really all about how fast your heart rate is when doing the activity.
  • MistFit
    MistFit Posts: 22
    I think the way MFP and HRM gadge calories burned is shady...I always assume a little less.

    I believe the way your body feels during and after exercise is the best one to stick with!