175 (or less!) calorie Mocha Frappuccino!

sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
I looove frappuccinos at Starbucks but they're like $5 with more sugar in it than you should have in it a day! This is modified a bit from a recipe I found online. Also, I use skim cow milk - if you use various unsweetened non dairy milk, the calories could go as low as like 45. Check what ya have!

2 cups milk
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp instant coffee
1-2 tsp cocoa powder
dash of salt
sweetener of choice, I like 2 packets of Stevia because it is a natural sweetener. add to taste

If I'm using coca powder I'll use a little less coffee so it all dissolves smoothly.

Mix these in a freezer friendly container, or freeze in ice cube trays. Once they're solid, crush them up a bit in a zip lock bag so they don't break your blender! And let thaw a tiny bit. Blend until desired consistency. You can add some hot choc powder or chocolate sauce if you're feeling a little indulgent, I find I don't need em :) enjoy!
