What time....

What time do you guys stop eating before bed?! Anything you recommended?!


  • It doesn't make a difference to weight.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Try different things. See what works best for you. I can't give you any advice because I work nights and sleep all day. Talk about a hard eating schedule.
  • Yeah I am in the same boat aa1440.. How do you handle eating and "calorie reset"?

    I tend to reset my calories at mid night.
  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    My cut-off is 9pm. I go to bed usually between 10 and 11pm. But I have found that if I drink a glass or two of water right before bed, I lose more weight in the morning than if I don't. And if I eat my carbs earlier in the day. I know that's not your technical question, but....well....there you go :)
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Yeah I am in the same boat aa1440.. How do you handle eating and "calorie reset"?

    I tend to reset my calories at mid night.

    I'm not the original person you're addressing, but thought I'd tell you that I reset my calories when I wake up to start my day. Even if I'm up snacking till 2am, I count it in the 24 our day prior. I go to bed at 2a, wake up at 11a, and start my calories over.