Anyone doing ChaLean Extreme??

I bought ChaLean Extreme today and was wondering if anyone is currently doing it, starting it soon, or has done it in the past?? I love Chalene from doing TurboFire and am super excited about this one!!


  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I finished a round of it and I'm currently doing another round. I LOVE it! Its amazing...I went from using 5-8lb weights in the beginning to using 30's by the end. The strength gains are astounding...I could have gone heavier but those were the biggest weights I had at the time. It really helped tone everywhere.
    Your before and after pics in your signature are super! Congrats on all your weight loss!
  • mellissabee
    mellissabee Posts: 19 Member
    YESSSSS!!! I looove Chalene Extreme! I started using Turbo Jams a few years back and had super results from that. It's incredible. Are you ready for some amazing results??!!
  • klicknik
    klicknik Posts: 5 Member
    I do Chalene's TurboJam and I love it but haven't tried the Chalene Extreme. Can't wait to see what you think of it and maybe I'll get my hands on that one as well. Good luck!
  • What is ChaLean Extreme? It sounds interesting.... :smile:
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks for your comments!! They have me even more excited about it! I saw some before and after pictures on the website for it and they were awesome!! I hope to have the same type of results, and if I can increase my strength with it thats another plus..I can barely do the 30 Day Shred with 5 pound weights.
    Jennyfair24 thank you for your comments on my pictures and weightloss!! I really appreciate it!!
    For those who asked Chalean Extreme is an exercise program from Beachbody. Its a cardio and resistance training program. What caught my interest is it says you can burn upto 60% of your body fat in the 90 days of the program!!
  • sweetbutterfly7
    sweetbutterfly7 Posts: 5 Member
    I currently do Chalean and love it, I started it once before and lost 20 lbs in two months, but I had broke my toe and stopped doing it. Now I am back to it and realized how much I enjoyed it. You have gotten some amazing results! Way to go!
  • natali_sh92
    natali_sh92 Posts: 37 Member
    i recently bought it and waiting for it to be posted to me. i dont know much about it but from what u guys are saying, u gotta buy loads of weights for it (sounds expensive), is that correct?
  • sweetbutterfly7
    sweetbutterfly7 Posts: 5 Member
    No I did not have to spend a lot of money on weights. I bought a cheap set from Walmart that works really well. I even got Chalean's upgrade package and mainly use the resistance bands now. Either weights or bands, you can still get great results!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Thanks again for your comments!!
    Sweetbutterfly~ 20 pounds in 2 months is awesome!! I would love if I could do that!!
    Also thanks for the info about the weights and resistance bands I only have 3-5 pound weights dvd didn't get the resistance bands so I'll have to go get some:)
  • ASaxe23
    ASaxe23 Posts: 158 Member
    MEEEEEE I started on Monday. I'm sore but I LOVE IT!! I'm so excited to see my body change for real!!