junk food lovers! i got a question.



  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I love junk food. And unless I'm in one of my Hear Me Roar type tyrades where I have amazing will power... I will stuff my face with any of it that I can get my little sausages on. If you do buy junk food, make sure that as soon as you buy it, you seperate it into serving sizes. That really helps me from scarfing it all down in one sitting.

    I do this too. I weigh snacks out and pit them in ziplock bags so I know that each bag has only one serving. Eating directly from the original package is dangerous for me
  • CaliSweden
    I love junk foods, but since I've been eating correctly with low GL diet, I don't crave junk foods. We always have junk foods in the house because of my guy. He's not dieting, so he constantly have sodas, chips, candies, you name it. So I have to smell them all the time. It was difficult before when I did low carb. But now with low GL diet, the smells doesn't bother me. I don't even notice he's eating them right next to me.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I've lived on my own off campus for two years, and I can say that I eat way healthier off campus for the most part. In the beginning, all I ate was boxes of mac and cheese, and that's why i ballooned up to 210 lbs last winter. Once I stopped buying mac and cheese and bought healthy foods, I lost weight!

    My suggestion is to buy healthy foods, and then buy a box of wrapped treats like Skinny Cow ice cream. When it's proportioned like that, it's easier to say "okay, i'll have one vanilla ice cream sandwich tonight after dinner," rather than scooping out a scoop of ice cream and refilling your bowl when it's done.

    Also, if you don't buy it, you don't eat it!! So allow yourself the one treat purchase a week, and fill your cart with healthy food!

    I often get pissed that my roommates have Oreos and stuff, but I know that I can't eat that way and lose weight and I eat my Skinny Cow sandwiches while they eat their Oreos. It helps to have a treat that you can eat when they're eating theirs.