Im Re-starting

hey, I'm michele. I started my journey over a year ago & tended to get distracted. I have a renewed vigor to make my goals, & i'm gonna see it thru. Current weight is 260. lowest in a very long time, and my goal for the moment is 199. Final goal of 120. Any advise or motivational help - i'll take anything i can get! :)


  • aalanclose
    aalanclose Posts: 125 Member
    good luck Michele, this is a fantastic place to get healthier, i find logging my food every day really keeps me on track.
  • WashingFairy
    WashingFairy Posts: 2 Member
    I am sending you positive vibes...I need a kick myself...I have started back on here...half hearted I am 217 lbs...not the lowest I have been, so you are in a better place than me.
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    Take it one meal at a time, don't let a bad meal ruin a whole day. Stay positive and remind yourself every day why you want to do this. Log your food on MFP every day, even if you have gone off track, face up to your mistakes and get over them. Good luck x
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    Best of luck!

    The biggest tip that's worked for me is to stop rewarding myself with food as it's changed the way I look at what I eat. I still have the odd bit of cake but just as part of what I choose to eat in a day. When I was using a meal out as a reward for weight loss or achieving exercise goals I found that I was thinking about food too much, if you know what I mean? I reward myself with a new book or some arty/crafty things now.

    Keep up the good work :)
  • Donners185
    Donners185 Posts: 329 Member
    Hey Michelle, i have been trying to lose weight forever, i'm currently at 239lbs which is the lowest i have been for years. I've been stuck at this weight for ages but I'm not really trying hard enough. Well done to you for starting again. I really need to get my *kitten* into gear. Just do your best, that is all you can do. If you slip up, don't be to hard on yourself, just start again straight away don't let it ruin the rest of your day and try to remember why you are trying to lose the weight. Good luck!!!