SO FRUSTRATED!!!! (weight loss)

Ok so for the last 5 weeks I have been:
Exercising every second day (at least! If not every day), which includes running, spinning and sit ups.
Eating well. Keeping within my daily calorie count (1200) and actually eating healthily! This also means that I feel as though I am “missing out”. Missing out on lunches/dinners with friends and my favourite treats (crisps, chips, etc) so that I am not eating “bad” food. – now, don’t get me wrong. I actually LIKE eating healthily! But I have been sticking to my strict rules very tightly and I have noticed myself feeling like I am missing out lately.

My goal is to lose 22lbs.
So far I lost 5lbs. Fair enough.

Yesterday I weighed myself and I had put a couple lbs back on and thought the usual (WATER WEIGHT, BLAH BLAH BLOODY BLAH).
Today I have put further lbs on?!
What the foof??!

What am I doing wrong?
I am so frustrated and I am thinking “I am the same weight I would be if I was eating rubbish and NOT exercising.... WHAT IS THE POINT?!”

I feel so demotivated today and as thought I should just give up. 5lbs was nothing anyways but now that I haven’t even reached that “milestone”? I am thinking it’s too hard without actually starving myself.

Someone please cheer me up/bring me crisps.


  • inn0c3ntbbygrlx3
    if your weighing yourself every day stop! its only going to get you frustrated...cause your weight fluctuates every day, so weigh yourself once a week. make sure your drinkin lots of water which causes you to pee alot.
  • James_H
    James_H Posts: 48
    I wish I could cheer you up, but I'm sort of in the same boat... managed to lose 21 lbs over the space of a year, but 5 or 6 had crept back on in the last month, so I thought, right - this week I'll really do it properly.

    So for the last week I've been religiously sticking to my calorie / fat / sodium limits, and have done some form of exercise every day.

    Have I lost anything? Nope. Exactly the same.

    I'm going to console myself with the thought that it might be muscle. Yes, I'm sure that's it... ;-)
  • soniak78
    soniak78 Posts: 74 Member
    Sounds like your body has gone on starvation mode, which means it has gone on emergency mode where it will not lose weight (this has happened to me several times) I am sure someone will be able to explain this in a more technical manner than me ;0)

    What I do is have one or two blow out days, where I eat fried breakfasts, KFC, large bags of crisps and beers to get my metabolism going again.. don't get me wrong, I don't stuff all day, I just don't hold back. This seems to do the trick and the lbs start to come off again. Once I plateau again, I have a 'eat what I want' day or two to get back to losing weight....... this seems to work for me

    Good luck x
  • Givinya
    Givinya Posts: 9
    The MFP peeps will have some great advice for you, so I'll let them do that while I send you some crisps ... () () () () () () (). That was 7 crisps. Sometimes you need a mini high-cal treat to confuse your body into losing weight again. Huge binges aren't usually recommended, which is why I only gave you 7. All the best :-)
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    Of course!! How could I forget about muscle?
    That's what it is :)

    You're right - I am going to have to stop weighing myself constantly. It feels as thought weighing myself (and seeing positive results) is the only benefit from all this calorie counting and exercise though...

    Perhaps I am just have a bad day
  • FattySins
    Sounds like your body has gone on starvation mode, which means it has gone on emergency mode where it will not lose weight (this has happened to me several times) I am sure someone will be able to explain this in a more technical manner than me ;0)

    What I do is have one or two blow out days, where I eat fried breakfasts, KFC, large bags of crisps and beers to get my metabolism going again.. don't get me wrong, I don't stuff all day, I just don't hold back. This seems to do the trick and the lbs start to come off again. Once I plateau again, I have a 'eat what I want' day or two to get back to losing weight....... this seems to work for me

    Good luck x

    Good idea for someone who has the willpower to stop doing it after a day or two! That won't be me. :-(

    I would up calories slightly, not in a big way. But then I am no expert!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Are you eating to enough?

    This is just a part of it! please read the link above

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    Also this might be helpful

    Good luck on your journey
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    I would definitely look at your net calories first and make sure you are netting at least 1200 calories a day. Water intake? Are you taking measurements, you may be building muscle? Open up your diary for scrutinising, it'll be easier for others to help you.

    Keep up your good work and you will start to see results, going back to the old way of eating won't do you any good, you could even end up putting on weight which would be even more demotivating.

    With regards to feeling deprived, make sure you treat yourself. Allow yourself to eat out with friends, just compensate with more exercise. Feeling deprived is a sure fire way to sabotage your efforts. Good luck x
  • u04kmm5
    u04kmm5 Posts: 46 Member
    The MFP peeps will have some great advice for you, so I'll let them do that while I send you some crisps ... () () () () () () (). That was 7 crisps. Sometimes you need a mini high-cal treat to confuse your body into losing weight again. Huge binges aren't usually recommended, which is why I only gave you 7. All the best :-)

    What does MFP mean??
    Sorry - I am fairly new to My Fitness Pal

    ***edit.... My Fitness Pal. Obviously..... silly me...
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    Sounds like you are depriving yourself of foods and possibly not eating enough calories for your activity levels. I've hit many plateaus over the last 2 years of my journey. I've actually hit one the last two weeks. Try changing your calorie intake to a higher amount. You honestly shouldn't deprive yourself of foods you want. It's okay to have chips and things in moderation, just make sure you don't over do it. I usually eat HALF the serving size of snacks like that. I am not saying you have to do that everyday... but I wouldn't keep depriving yourself, eventually you may give in to something you really really want and instead of eat a serving of it you might end up having a large portion. I personally know that I would do that, which is why I chose NOT to deprive myself of ANYTHING.

    You may also want to try changing up your workouts, your body will begin memorizing your workouts and may cause you to plateau also. Maybe, change the speed or intensity you do. Do some High Interval Training, that will help burn fat and lots of calories. Eat back your workout calories too, you don't have to eat all of them. I usually leave 100 or 200 by the end of the day.....

    Hope this helps some! Good luck to you hun.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • niknak0508
    niknak0508 Posts: 430 Member
    The MFP peeps will have some great advice for you, so I'll let them do that while I send you some crisps ... () () () () () () (). That was 7 crisps. Sometimes you need a mini high-cal treat to confuse your body into losing weight again. Huge binges aren't usually recommended, which is why I only gave you 7. All the best :-)

    What does MFP mean??
    Sorry - I am fairly new to My Fitness Pal

    ***edit.... My Fitness Pal. Obviously..... silly me...

    MFP= My Fitness Pal

    whoops, didn't read far enough to see you answered yourself LOL sorry.
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    try changing up ur workout. i got stick like that for a while. a friend on here suggest that i change up my workout. try something new and exciting a couple days a week. it will throw ur body off and make it lose weight again. i picked up a dancing game for Wii called just dance. recently i was stuck again and i starting zumba. i love to dance. if u don't u should find something new that u will like and try changing it up. good luck and happy losing.