Advice (or a good kick) needed!

Hi! I recently started exercising, done well for a few weeks then injured my knee whilst running.

Had to take about 8 days off exercising, I was in agony! Now back on the exersice bike and a bit of slow walking, this seems about as much as I can do without more pain.

I am on annual leave this week and thought I want to make use of my time. So for the last 2 days I have been doing 2 hours on the exercise bike (per day, throughout the day) and various strength training exercises. Hey, for a fat girl that's a lot!!

Today though within the first 10 minutes I had a major energy slump, started sweating immediately and really struggling. Now my question is whether this is the bit where I have to man up and get on with it to reap benefits, or should I take it a bit slower today? I am no fitness guru, not something that's been a big part of my life so far. So advice would be much appreciated. :-))


  • SlimSadieG
    SlimSadieG Posts: 323 Member
    My advice would be to bite the bullet and really go for it. It could be just your "mind" lacking energy and you'll come out the other side feeling much better with yourself.

    However, if after giving it a little push you're still feeling the same way, it could well be your "body" lacking energy and asking you for a bit of a break!

    Mind over matter in a sense, but also listen to what your body is telling you.

    I can't speak for myself, because I'm always being told to go steady... But don't over-do it!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    Sometimes, on my short walk to the gym I thud along thinking I really can't be @rsed. But when I get in and start exercising, the energy comes from somewhere and I have a pretty good work out. So have a go, see how you feel. If you get tired or feel pain then slow down or stop. Just play it by ear. x
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    My first question would be 'how much are you eating'. If you're getting in 2 hours per day and not eating back your exercise calories, it's possible that your body is telling you that you're doing too much. Also, I'd suggest having some protein and low GI food (like a peanut butter sandwich on wholewheat) 1-2 hours before exercise - that will give you the slow release energy to make your workouts easier.

    We all go through those days where you're exhausted after 10 or 15 minutes - usually if I push through I start getting the endorphins releasing and it becomes easier after a few more minutes, but other times your body does just need a break.
  • FattySins
    Driagnor - I have been eating a fair bit yesterday - but what I thought is good food. (Probably not!) There seems to be a lot of opinions on eating exercise calories or not!

    Think I'll take everyone's advice and just push through it. :-) Thank you.