how do you guys feel about public food diaries?



  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    Mine is open to friends, I like to get feedback and ideas. I love looking at others diaries to get ideas too, sometimes I am pleasantly surprised at how low cal a food is and I'll then incorporate it into my own diet. I don't have it open to non friends though because I have seen some harsh comments on the boards.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    thanks for all the feedback :) i really appreciate all the opnions, i'm just...uncomfortable with it all i suppose lol
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    mine is open. I've added friends on myfitnesspal for support so it is their business what I eat. If they think they can help me, I'm all for it. and I like getting ideas from other open diaries. let's me see where i can plug better options into my diet.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Mine is open to my friends and I have never had any comments on it.

    I only look at other peoples diaries if a) they ask or b) they have posted something that makes me wonder if they are taking enough calories
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Mine's public 'cause I don't care if people see. It hasn't become an issue yet. Most people know I don't care what they think of my consumption or lack thereof.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    My diary is public. I don't really care if others have theirs public or private; whatever will keep you HONESTLY logging everything you eat is the way you should set your privacy settings.

    I haven't had anyone say anything to me about what I eat (or drink!), and even if they did, I really don't care about unsolicited comments. The cloak of anonymity on the internet brings out the nasty in some people and it wouldn't offend me one way or the other. I do welcome constructive criticism from any MFP person, but I am guessing most people, myself included, don't really look at many diaries unless specifically asked by the person.
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    Mine is public. I have asked for comments in the past and had some negative theads, but I asked for it. Anytime someone comments I have a choice how I want to receive it - I can take the advice or not. I find secrets have a lot more power over my eating habits - then a few negative comments. In other words if it is private I might "sneak" more unhealthy foods because no one would know. It keeps me honest with myself. Also most people don't really take the time to look at the diary.

    On the positive side - I have looked at some diaries of people who are very successful with reducing sodium or sugar, etc. and that has been extremely helpful to me to get more creative with my own menu. I tend to get stuck in a rut and eat the same thing all the time.

    I think some people on this site could figure out a nicer way to provide feedback a few people seem to think they have a right to just say whatever they want, how they want to others. Many people who have eating problems have come from "abusive" environments and need positive, unconditional love - not the "kick in the butt" attitude that's on here sometimes.

    Whatever works for you - that's what works!
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    Mine is public. I will actually use that as a tool when I am deciding what to eat. Do I want my MFP friends to see that I ate a cheeseburger? No! So I will order a chicken salad instead. That being said, I have never had negative comments, even when I log a 350 calorie donut (sometimes it's worth it, even if my MFP friends see it!) I like to look at other people's diaries to get new food ideas. I have actually purchased some items such as Luna bars after seeing them as a recurring theme on several friends' diaries. I would never insult anyone's choices!
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I have my diary open to my friends but people rarely comment. I find it helpful as if someone can see something i'm doing wrong, or right, then i want to hear it so i can continue the challenge. Plus if people are going to see if you're more likely to think again before eating a chocolate bar :o)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Mine is open to my friends, and i have only got the odd comment on a particular food being nice (roast beef dinner yesterday for example) or this morning someone said i was only a bit over my cals - which i know i am as i am working out tonight so have already logged my exercise cals.
  • I choose to keep mine PRIVATE! Although I do eat pretty healthy. (I think) I haven't had a soda in FOREVER. I don't eat anything fried. All my meats are either grilled or baked. My veggies are steamed, sauteed or grilled. I love raw fresh veggies as well as fruit. I drink plenty of water. I just choose to keep mine private because it is my food diary not everyone else's! :)
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    I like to keep mine public!... i dont really get negative comments ...but i dont mind getting comments anyways ... i like pointers if im going wrong and people can make suggestions to make my diary better. I also like to see what others have eaten to give me tips! ... its personal preference.. it also keeps me on track ... if i have an off day and have to log the choclate i ate it encourages me to work harder knowing that people can see what im eating .. i think it makes it more of a challenge for me personally ..
  • I was wondering if me making it public was a good idea or not...

    With that said I don't think I would get annoyed or offended if someone comments on my 'unhealthy' snack/meal I may choose. But at the same time I would have to ask myself why are they my 'friends' and look at that if they were really rude.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Mine's open. I eat out, eat burgers on the grill, and occasionally even have a donut...My LIFE isn't going to be put on hold because of a diet. If someone on my friends list doesn't like the way I choose to lose weight, they can suck it and delete me from their friends list. I welcome criticism, if you criticize me, I guarantee I'm going to go straight to your diary and find out why you're criticizing me. Jealous that I eat out maybe? Because you are depriving yourself of simple pleasures? That's usually the first reason people criticize. PS, I haven't had anyone ever be negative about my diary.

    Seriously, be accountable for what you eat, and don't bother with the negativity. If you eat bad one day, exercise to make up for it. LIVE your life, don't let life pass you by because of a 'diet'.

    Rant over.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    Mine is public to friends only, and I like it that way.

    I have considered making it completely private, but only because I've started to track differently for a new eating plan, and don't want to alarm any of my friends! My new plan is like the Weight Watchers Core plan, where I don't have to track certain foods. I settled for putting a disclaimer in my profile and keeping it public to friends for now.

    I agree that it's easier to offer supportive comments to friends who keep their diary public, but I always try to give encouraging comments to all of my friends, open diary or not.
  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    I feel like a public diary can go a long way in keeping you accountable for the foods you eat. Would you eat that extra donut knowing that someone will see that and shake their head sadly at you? :P
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Mine is open for friends only. Gives me the best of both options -- people to keep me accountable and offer helpful suggestions, but no one criticizing or being rude.
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    I have mine public, because it is helpful to me. I find that when I am willing to share, others are too, and I like the ideas I can glean from others...No one has ever made a negative comment, and like another member stated, when someone is under all the time, and not doing as well as they want, and ask for help, I really don't know how to help when I don't know what they are doing. Some of my friends have public, and some have private. Each person has to be comfortable with what they do......I like to think that someone checking my diary might find some helpful patterns that might benefit them. I try to incorporate the things I've learned not just into better eating habits, but exercise patterns as well......When I feel comfortable with my efforts, I am able to feel open to the examination of my choices by others....I never make all the best choices, but I do the best I can, and feel good about it...Look if you want, for whatever reason, it mattereth not to me!

    If we are willing to support and share with each other and be genuine, that's good. If we feel self conscious and hesitant to share, that's fine....We are all at different stages in our journey and most definitely should be respectful of each persons feelings along their path.....None of us are all wise and know it all, but sometimes our experiences can benefit a fellow traveler! DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!!!
  • hbrekkaas
    hbrekkaas Posts: 268 Member
    Mine is private for two reasons. One is that its no-ones business what I"m eating, and I don't want anyones comments about it. I know what I"m eating, good and bad, and really don't need any input.

    The other reason mine if private is because I rarely fill it out. Or I fill it out halfway and not wouldn't be helpful to anyway and it gives the totally wrong idea when it shows I only ate 500 calories yesterday. i don't fill it out because I don't really need to, I"m on this site for the support still, but I am losing weight just fine by eating when hungry and making good choices. I had a hard time with logging everything, I found that I got obsessive and it was actually really bad for me personally.
  • My LIFE isn't going to be put on hold because of a diet.

    I agree. It's okay to treat yourself. All things in moderation. There is nothing wrong with that!