New and on day one of Diet chef

Hey everyone!

i am Danielle, 28 from west Sussex uk, i have 3 children, and after my last son who is now 21months i gained 5 stone! :( i now have 40lbs to lose, so that i can get back in my pre pregnancy clothes.

my downfall is portion size! i eat like a man, and if i don’t eat to the point where i feel sick i don’t feel satisfied! which is why i have started diet chef, as your portions are done for you!, on day one and i will admit that i feel hungry!!! But the food i have tired so far tastes amazing!!

i will need some willpower and support, i have a wedding on Saturday and the following Saturday, and the weekend after that i go away with my husband to Egypt for 4 days.

some will say i should have made a start after we come back, but i feel that there will never be an ideal time to start losing weight! its a lifestyle change, i am trying to take back control of my plate so i am hoping visually seeing the portion sizes i meant to be having will help me when i am away not to over indulge ....well here’s hoping!!!



  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Educate yourself on portion online. 3-4 oz of protein, 1/2 cup of rice, 2 oz pasta, Fruit varies, Vegetables usually a cup. Buy a food scale. Stay within your goal.
  • cdpm
    cdpm Posts: 297 Member
    Hi and welcome!
    I am also from the UK and feel free to add me as a friend for motivational support! Diet chef sounds like a definite step in the right direction for you to get to grips with portion size and control, hopefully soon you'll be used to the sizes and will be confident enough to cook yourself similar size portions.
    Now is a good a time as any to start!
  • shazzy32
    shazzy32 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Danielle :smile:

    Just come across your post and note that you are on Diet Chef - also noting the great progress you have had with your weight loss!!! Well done. I too have started Diet Chef - halfway through my second week and have to say really enjoying the food (apart from a couple of things which were bleuch:sick: )!! Hoping to get a start on my weight loss with DC three month hampers and then I will take it from there as I have soo much weight to lose:sad: !! Anyway, just thought I would drop you a note and once again well done!!

    Sharon xx

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