Suggestions from Jillian fans?

Hey there. I've done the Shred, and am closing in on Week 3 of Ripped. I want to have something on the horizon for when I complete Ripped. Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism and Shred with Weights both look good to me. Does anyone have a recommendation for a favorite that might be a good choice for after Ripped? I'll eventually cycle back through Shred and Ripped, but I'll need something different to keep me interested. Thanks for any thoughts!

Oh, and if you have a suggestion that is non-Jillian, I'm happy to hear it. I've enjoyed the two by her I've done, but am willing to branch out.


  • Kat0310
    Kat0310 Posts: 341
    I've done the 30DS and Ripped also so when I completed those I did her 6 week/6 pack abs and loved that one. It is 2 levels (each one for 3 weeks). Level 1 focuses mainly on core but level 2 is much more intense because it has a lot of cardio in it and works your whole body. It is another one of her 30 min. workouts so if you're pressed for time it is great. I haven't tried Banish Fat Boost Metabolism or Shred it With Weights but I've heard they are both good (I think they are longer than 30 mins. though?).

    Good luck!
  • lightinurlife
    If you're interested in Banish Fat Boost Metabolism there is a Jillian Michaels 30 Slim Down Plan that includes BFBM, 30 Day Shred, and No More Trouble Zones. It's a hybrid for 30 days. I'm planning on doing that after I finish 30 Day Shred and before I do Ripped in 30. The only negative thing I heard about Shred It with Weights is that some of the kettle bell exercises supposedly are done incorrectly with improper form. I don't have an opinion on it either way but thought I would bring that to your attention. Good luck!
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    Whats your next goal? Do u want to build, tone or lose fat? Is there certain parts you wish to improve?
    If you feel satisfied with the overall body but want ribbed abs, try 6 week 6 pack. If you want more muscles, do No more trouble zones. If you want to lose fat then do Banish fat.
    Jillian has a new dvd for bun and thighs coming up in the beginning of september, that might be something for you.
    Im sticking with NMTZ and BFBM til Killer buns comes out. NMTZ is a challenge but the reward is great! Good luck!

    I can also recomend Ab ripper X for just doing the abs, if you want more options.
  • hcn74
    hcn74 Posts: 214
    Whats your next goal? Do u want to build, tone or lose fat?

    All of the above. :)

    I still have a lot to lose, so obviously fat loss is important. That said, I am interested in gaining strength and toning what I have already. I think that I'll look into NMTZ and BFBM and perhaps do the 30 day slimdown circuit that includes Ripped, too.

    Thanks for all of the thoughts!
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    I like ALL of her videos. They are all worth it. Just get a new one every month or so and you won't be disappointed. She's coming out with a new one called Killer Buns and Thighs. I just pre-ordered it off her website. Can't wait!
  • danilynn16
    danilynn16 Posts: 13 Member
    My favorite is Shred it with weights. I am using a 10lb kettle bell right now. You can really feel it after this workout. This workout kicks my butt everytime.
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I love NMTZ - it is a crazy workout, you will burn calories and build muscle at the same time. There's not really any cardio to it but I remember dripping sweat after doing it. It's about a 40 or 45 min workout.

    I'm too scared to try BFBM - I suck at cardio on her shred and ripped dvd's, I just don't have the endurance :(
  • Jess3kids
    Jess3kids Posts: 62 Member
    I'm another fan of Shred it With Weights with a kettlebell. It is such a great high calorie burn workout that includes strength building. I've since moved on from that and started a Gin Miller workout with kettlebell.I also really like the Biggest Loser Cardio Max Weight loss video.
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I think NMTZ is more like 50-55 minutes but maybe you dont count the warm up and cool down?
    NMTZ is more about bodysculpting and toning then actually burning fat. I would guess that if you combine NTMZ with BFBM you will get the same results as with doing RI30 or 30 DS.

    BFBM is hard but a good solid cardio workout. I would suggest anyone who is considering doing it, to watch through it and just start at where your at and then do as much as you can, if if it ends with just doing two or three circuits. Its better then not doing anything at all. And Jillian offers a lot of modifciations. For me the biggest challenge is the plyometrics.If there is a move thats seems completly impossible, at least try to do a similiar kind of excersise. I also find that when u begin with a new workout, try to do it at least 3-4 times following each other so your body starts to remember, that way you dont have to concetrate as hard following. Of course you can take one or two days of rest in between but dont do any other workout, that will confuse your muscles. imo.
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I think NMTZ is more like 50-55 minutes but maybe you dont count the warm up and cool down?
    NMTZ is more about bodysculpting and toning then actually burning fat. I would guess that if you combine NTMZ with BFBM you will get the same results as with doing RI30 or 30 DS.

    BFBM is hard but a good solid cardio workout. I would suggest anyone who is considering doing it, to watch through it and just start at where your at and then do as much as you can, if if it ends with just doing two or three circuits. Its better then not doing anything at all. And Jillian offers a lot of modifciations. For me the biggest challenge is the plyometrics.If there is a move thats seems completly impossible, at least try to do a similiar kind of excersise. I also find that when u begin with a new workout, try to do it at least 3-4 times following each other so your body starts to remember, that way you dont have to concetrate as hard following. Of course you can take one or two days of rest in between but dont do any other workout, that will confuse your muscles. imo.

    I didn't time NMTZ - it just felt like about 45ish minutes! Must be a pretty good workout if it actually seems quicker than it is lol!