Did You Know? (Nutrition Tips)

I thought it would be a good idea for people to share some information about nutrition that would help clear up some misconceptions about certain food.

For example, you should try to avoid cooking with olive oil. It has a low smoke point and you will lose important nutrients if you heat it. Best to cook with coconut oil (I personally cook with broth) or refined canola or safflower oil as they have higher smoke points. Olive oil should be kept cool and is best served as a dressing. In fact, drizzling a bit of olive oil on tomatoes will help you body absorb their nutrients much more easily.

Whole flax seed is not digested by the human body. In order to get the benefits of flax, it needs to be ground. So if you buy bread or tortillas with flax you have to chew them really well to break down the seeds. Also if you add flax to your food, but sure to add ground flax or grind the flax before you add it.

Anyone else have some tips?


  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    wow! Bump.. I need to keep this handy!
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    bump! i hope this turns out to be an awesome thread.
  • lisseth82
    In order to kick my soda crave I switched to drinking mineral water with a splash of lime. Its refreshing and another way to incorporate water.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I stay far away from canola and safflower oils. and sunflower and vegetable oils. They are sooo bad for you - refined = processed. I use olive oil or avocado oil to spray on food or pour on salad and I use butter or coconut oil for cooking. None have been heated.

    And I enjoy flax seed but I did learn it has naturally occurring arsenic. So never go overboard on it.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    In order to kick my soda crave I switched to drinking mineral water with a splash of lime. Its refreshing and another way to incorporate water.

    i do that too! or i buy the raspberry/lime flavored sparkling water (the one WITHOUT any artificial sweetener)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    When I cook chicken (or any meat) stove top, I like to just keep a little water in the pan -- the meat stays very moist, doesn't stick to the pan, and the steam helps cook it! Calorie free!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    A lot of "diet" and "health" food have weird chemicals, and extra salt and/or sugar. The closer food is to it's natural state the healthier it is. It is something I am actively working towards improving in my diet - more fruit and veg - less things that come in cardboard boxes :tongue:
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have read that you do not lose the benefits of olive oil when heated, unless you allow it to get to the smoking point.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    In order to kick my soda crave I switched to drinking mineral water with a splash of lime. Its refreshing and another way to incorporate water.

    i do that too! or i buy the raspberry/lime flavored sparkling water (the one WITHOUT any artificial sweetener)

    I bought a SodaStream so I can make my own fuzzy water! Most of the time I don't add any flavoring. I know the carbonation isn't the best for me, but 1-2 liters a month isn't a huge amount.
  • sarahmcguire96
    i hate drinking water so i put an oz or two of juice in or lemon juice to give it some flavor but not all the calories. i drink much more water this way.
  • BlessedMoon
    BlessedMoon Posts: 65 Member

    Whole flax seed is not digested by the human body. In order to get the benefits of flax, it needs to be ground. So if you buy bread or tortillas with flax you have to chew them really well to break down the seeds. Also if you add flax to your food, but sure to add ground flax or grind the flax before you add it.

    I had no idea they needed to be gound to digest! I have all kinds of recipes that use flax seed, good to know!!
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    Another good one is that Vitamin C and and Vitamin E will help with loose skin so eating a diet rich in leafy greens and citrus fruit will help your skin recover better from big weight losses (help, not prevent).

    Also peaches and apples have been shown to the have the highest amounts of residual pesticides. However, both fruit contain essential vitamins and minerals in the peel. So if you buy only a few organic fruits and veggies due to cost (and really who can afford to buy all organic all the time?) choose to buy organic apples and peaches when you can.
  • JulieBoBoo
    JulieBoBoo Posts: 642
    that's true, olive oil is only problematic when heated to smoking point but it has a low smoke point and it's hard to discriminate between smoke and steam.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I have read that you do not lose the benefits of olive oil when heated, unless you allow it to get to the smoking point.

    That's what the nutritionist I saw a few years ago told me. :indifferent: Like most things health & fitness related, there will always be contradicting research. ~sigh~ It can be so confusing sometimes. I just follow my great-grandmother's advice... "Everything in moderation."
  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello there all MFP'ers,

    I am a cook for one of the most prestigious country clubs in Kentucky, where we make 99% of everything from scratch. Here is my take on healthy cooking.

    If you do use oil, find a 75/25 blended oil, i.e. 75% veg oil and 25% olive oil, and use only the recommended serving portion, usually 1 tbsp. also, get your skillet hot before putting in the oil. watch it and when it "shimmers" before it starts to "smoke" put your ingredients in. you will get a nice "sear on the food and still get all the nutrients.

    If you are watching your sodium intake...several options. You can use Mrs. Dash, (any flavors). and use unsalted butter whenever possible...all the taste non of the salt. also use as many fresh herbs as possible, this will increase the flavor with out adding any unnessary calories or sodium.

    hope this helps everybody. have a wonderful day.
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    When shopping for pre-made Pesto ALWAYS check the ingredients list - some of the cheaper options are made with vegetable oil not EVOO
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    Like most things health & fitness related, there will always be contradicting research. ~sigh~ It can be so confusing sometimes. I just follow my great-grandmother's advice... "Everything in moderation."

    New research just in 9 out 10 great-grandmothers give good advice 36% of the time - i'm just saying...
  • Hirundo
    Hirundo Posts: 148 Member

    Also peaches and apples have been shown to the have the highest amounts of residual pesticides. However, both fruit contain essential vitamins and minerals in the peel. So if you buy only a few organic fruits and veggies due to cost (and really who can afford to buy all organic all the time?) choose to buy organic apples and peaches when you can.

    If clean them properly with a soft brush theres no reason to not eat the peel ..You should always eat the peel of a fruit or a vege when edible .. It's in the peel that the fruits and vege keeps all their immune system and this contain most of the anti-cancer benefits and most interesting nutrients, the peel also have much more fiber than the flesh...