advice on clothes that no longer fit



  • PearlMarie_3gen_11484
    If the clothes are good, and they are falling off, I would give them to good will. Later you feel glad that you help someone that needs those clothes.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The thread bare cloths go in the trash, the good cloths go to goodwill, the high quality cloths I kept for when I get pregnant with child number 2.
  • hanna1210
    hanna1210 Posts: 286 Member
    I keep clothes that are too small (just in case :wink: ) but get rid of the things that are too big. That way I know that if the clothing I'm wearing now gets snug, I have to change things up. There's just no way I can let myself get that big again.

    I say Goodwill all the way!! Plus, while you're there, pick something up if you're still dropping weight and need transition clothes.

    Kudos on the loss! :drinker:
  • elizabethblake
    elizabethblake Posts: 384 Member
    Give 'em away! I have three bags on my front porch waiting to be dropped off!
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    Depending on how baggy they are and what type of clothing you're talking about, you could have them altered to fit your body now. This can be cheaper than buying all new.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    what do y'all do?? pitch them as they become too baggy? I'm a borderline hoarder so throwing things away is a problem, but i now have pants that FALL OFF without a belt. not good. would you keep them 'just in case' or is that defeatist? should I go full steam ahead and take them to goodwill?
    Donate them. Or make a big scarecrow.
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    I hesitated to pack up my clothes and get rid of them, but I did just that this week and feel liberated! So glad they are gone. No regrets. I recommend it as part of the process!!!

    Good luck to all!!
  • Merrinoel
    Merrinoel Posts: 36 Member
    I am keeping mine in in big black garbage bags until I have met goal and then maintained 6 months. In the past, I've gotten rid of clothes along the way to goal, only to have gotten derailed food-wise, and then needed to go shopping for larger sizes within a couple months.. The only thing worse than falling off track is having to shell out money for large sized clothing on top of it. NOT that I have a defeatist attitude about my ability to keep the weight off, but that I'm telling myself I need to "prove" it this time, which, btw, I am very determined and confident to do!

    Also, I am like the opposite of a hoarder--- i'm almost compulsive about getting RID of stuff because too much stuff really weighs me down mentally
    so it's kind of challenging for me to be filling these bags and not donating them yet.

    Anyway, ya see, that's one of my "rewards" that I haven't earned yet, but I really look forward to! After I have reached goal, maintained for 6 months, I am going to celebrate the maintenance with getting those clothes out of my house and having a closet with all same-sized clothes! Imagine that! :wink:

    Good luck to you! It's really a pretty great "problem" we all have, isn't it? :happy:
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    I haven't cleared out my closet yet but I'm like some of the others. I have clothes that are just too big for me now. I plan on using some as shop rags for cleaning my hands when I get them greasy while working on car and the rest will be donated.
  • KnottyNCrotchety
    what do y'all do?? pitch them as they become too baggy? I'm a borderline hoarder so throwing things away is a problem, but i now have pants that FALL OFF without a belt. not good. would you keep them 'just in case' or is that defeatist? should I go full steam ahead and take them to goodwill?

    You are never going to fit in those clothes again. Never. Do NOT keep them. Think how much lighter you feel now that you have lost a size in clothing. You will feel that same sense of lightness when you get those clothes out of the house!

    I have my nice ones ready to take to a consignment shop. That way I can use the credit I get from selling them to buy the next size there. The more worn out ones are going to Goodwill.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    I refuse to keep anything too big around "just in case" - I used to do that, and all it did was give me wiggle room to fatten back up!! I've kept the biggest pair of pants I owned, just for comparison sake once I get to my goal!
    Everything else, heads to Goodwill. I remember being my heaviest and not being able to find clothes that fit, so I'd rather pack them off to help another person. I've literally gotten rid of 10 bags of clothes gradually as I've lost!

    I however just saw the clothing swap post and now I'm going to check that out! I wish I had something now to donate to some of the fellow MFP'ers!
  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    Donate them or sell them in a yard sale!
  • bltmgray
    bltmgray Posts: 163 Member
    I've kept only one pair of pants to remind me how far I've come. The rest go to goodwill!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Get 'em outta the house! I toss or donate my clothes as soon as they start to feel the slightest bit baggy. I want no reason whatsoever to consider the option of going back to that size. I will not be a size 16 ever again, and I will never need those clothes again. In a few months, I will toss the 14s, too. Because I'll never buy another pair of size 14 jeans again.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    what do y'all do?? pitch them as they become too baggy? I'm a borderline hoarder so throwing things away is a problem, but i now have pants that FALL OFF without a belt. not good. would you keep them 'just in case' or is that defeatist? should I go full steam ahead and take them to goodwill?

    I would donate them. I shop at Goodwill, so if I need jeans in a different size, I know I'm only going to be spending $3/pair. It's not defeatist to keep them, necessarily, but it's a space saver to get rid of them.

    Also - if you have jeans that are falling off without a belt, you're a long way from needing to keep them around 'just in case', you know what I mean? That's a good thing. :)
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Fortunately for me our little town has a "city wide" yard sale the first weekend in October. I will be participating this year in a BIG way!!! Gonna get rid of some things that are too big and scope out other peoples sales for some "new" things for myself!
  • michelec64
    michelec64 Posts: 120 Member
    As baggy as they are I'm holding on to my summer clothes (for now) because it's too late in the season to get anything new, but this weekend I'm clearing and donating everything else in my closet that is now too big. I will keep a pair of my favorite "old" jeans just as a reminder of how far I've come, but I don't want to hold on to my 18/20s because then that gives me a tiny out to backslide into my old habits. If that did happen I want to literally have to pay a price for undoing all the progress I've made.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    I kept one pair of my 4X pants and donated some and consigned most. I used the money I received from consigning to treat myself to new sizes along the weight loss journey to motivate myself. I confess, though, I have kept some of my baggy tops and a few stretchy pants and wear them for working out, against my daughters wishes.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I got rid of them without a second thought. The reason? My new healthy lifestyle was NOT (and still isn't) making me miserable. I was happy with it. I knew I could keep doing this for the rest of my life... which means I'd never need XXL shirts ever again.

    I did keep a couple, though, so I can do comparison photos when I'm in shape :happy:
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