Wii My Fitness Coach



  • Reeniec
    Reeniec Posts: 16 Member
    I just picked this game up and it kicks my butt! I'm not very athletic and a little too overweight to keep up sometimes but I get a really good workout from it. It's more intense then Wii Fit. Wii Fit is more fun and game like whereas Fitness Coach is ALL workout. Hope this helps!

    BTW, I agree with freckleston about he calorie issue. Very disappointing if it's true. I feel like I burn way more than it tells me.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    Hi - I have got this My Fitness Coach and I do like it - even if I only have a chance to do the 15mins in the morning before work it is a nice little workout to get out of breath and sweaty.

    The only disappointing thing is for 15mins it tells me I burned 40 calories. Does that seem right to you? On here 15mins of say aerobics is at least double that.

    I was just wondering if you noticed the same?

    I know when I was doing it, I burned a lot more calories than it told me, and I have a HRM. That would be the best way to see how many calories you burned.:smile:
  • freckleston
    freckleston Posts: 36 Member
    HRM? is that a Heart Rate Monitor? Yes that would be interesting to see the actual calories burned. I just did a session this morning (only 15mins) and it said 29 calories which is less than a rice cake! I know i obviously need to do more at least 30 mins but can only fit in these little bits at the moment.
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    HRM is a heart rate monitor. I was doing the session for 30 minutes, and I think it said that I burned 120 calories, but my HRM said 200, so there was a difference. It also depends on which exercises you are doing. I was doing mine with the step, so it may be harder (I haven't tried any of the other sessions yet):smile:
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    I have been using My Fitness Coach for a couple of weeks now and I really like it. To me, it is similar to having at home DVDs but you get interaction as well. I use it about 4 days a week on days I do not have time to go to the gym. I usually workout for 30 min but if I only have 15 min I will still do it. I wear my heart rate monitor when I use it and usually the HRM and the calories burned on the screen are fairly close. I have been able to tell a lot of improvement since starting it particularly in my lower body strength. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a good workout, particularly a beginner like me who could not do a "Shred" video to save her life!