New to MFP

Hello, all, I had my weight down pretty well (not as far as I could have gone, though) and was in great shape, but then hit a hiccup when apparently my thyroid started to fail. That sent me on a spiral downward and ended up over 20 pounds heavier than the weight I had gotten down to. On a 5 foot tall girl, that does not play out too well. But baby got back right now. LOL I've managed to get down approximately 10 pounds from that extreme high point with exercise and some portion control, plus getting on thyroid meds. But I have set my goal on MFP to 28 pounds. I may like to take off more after that, but that would put me at 120 pounds and I liked my size at that weight before. But I guess I can reevaulate at that time.

I'm in the midst of an international move and we are hanging out at the in-laws house, so I'm tracking my calories, but haven't started to regulate them just yet. I am finding it helpful to see how these calories stack up in my regular day when I'm not making proper choices and then seeing what MFP says I'll weight in 5 weeks if I eat like that every day. That's a very sobering statement to read every day. I'm looking forward to when we get to our new home and I start cooking and sticking to my calories and get back into my exercise regimen and seeing that that weight statement is LOWER than what i weigh now instead of higher!

Great to meet you all!! I've read some of the success stories on the forum and I am so impressed with everyone. :)



  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, Like you I had my weight at a reasonable level (after slogging my guts out and loosing 3 stone) but about 18 months ago I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and gained pretty much it all back. (along with a load of other symtoms). I was symptomatic for at least 6 months before being diagnosed and was not myself at all. I am on medication now as well and my thryoid is under control but have struggled to lose the weight I have gained. I have been exercising and watching what I eat but it didnt seem to make a difference. At times the weight has made me feel extremely depressed and I have cried lots over it.I have been wih MFP for just over a week and for the first time in months I have actually lost some weight this week. Actually seeing what you eat written down and realising the calorie content makes a huge difference and is a big eye opener. Also I have set my target weight higher than what I might have wanted a few years ago but if I achieve it I can adjust it then. I would be happy to just to continue losing weight for now.

    Hope the move goes well and good luck with the weight loss.
  • crittytn
    crittytn Posts: 34
    Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds exactly like mine! I find that when I mention my thyroid issues, many people chime in with their experiences. I wish it was discussed more often in public and the media. I worry for all the people suffering undiagnosed. Thank goodness I talked to my mother about my issues and she told me to go get tested!

    I am happy for your first week weight loss!!! I'm looking forward to my first loss!!