My kids' school is RIDICULOUS



  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    I don't understand why you can't walk to school to get them? The school can't FORCE you to do ANYTHING! You'd think they would be promoting walking as a healthy option for the kids to get exercise. Ours does.

    plus thing about it what if you dont have a car or its broke you cant let your kid go to school? i am a military wife so i dont have a lot of close people i would trust sending my kid with and most people i know are not in my district so it kinda sounds crazy and not for nothing kids always walked without parents when i was small so why is it an issue if you walk your child and they are safe with you?? so odd
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    This just seems so bizarre - where I live (Scotland) we are actively encouraged to walk with our kids, or let them walk themselves,regardless how far away they live, and organise 'walking buses' that an adult leader picks up at certain stops and walks the whole way to school.
    If everyone was stuck in cars I would never had met any of my now best friends from hanging about in the playground waiting on our children getting out. In our school the infants 4-6 are let out when the teacher sees a parent/guardian for them, but everyone else is let out to go freely.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    My kids school did the same thing yesterday ( I suspect my kids are in the same school as the originators. For the kids that live downtown and have to walk to the school, there are NO sidewalks for them to walk on. This school is right outside a large military installation and between 7 and 730 am, traffic is crazy. Now add wind and snowy roads and kids walking down the shoulder of the road. Your just asking for trouble. Check out the story:
  • OGFleabag
    OGFleabag Posts: 137 Member
    I asked why I couldn't walk and they said that they locked all the entrances/exits besides the front one to the car loop (for security reasons). Plus, the woman I talked to said that there was no way they could prove that I wasn't just parking on a side street and slipping in and circumventing the car pick-up line.

    That's idiotic. We live 2 blocks from the school as well, my kids - since they can't ride the bus - are labeled walkers. So what if you bypass the pick-up line. I do it all the time if I have to pick up a kid. walk up and wait for them in an assigned spot for walkers, complete with beefy parent/security or whatever he/she is. We are not supposed to walk INTO the school to get them, because of the craziness of the end of the school day, which I understand. it would be a madhouse if all parents went inside to pick up their kids.

    Do you live in a very rural area? with no sidewalks/walkways? I know they freak out more at our high school about kids walking for that reason.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    Do you live in a very rural area? with no sidewalks/walkways? I know they freak out more at our high school about kids walking for that reason.

    No...there are sidewalks...and a crossing guard. That's why I don't understand what the big deal is. They refused to let me change the way they get picked up...I think the office staff member I spoke to had a little too much fun throwing around what little power they have.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    Blame the welfare queens eating their bonbons and driving their Caddys and their LV purses.

    Mouthful of truth right there.

    love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I worked at an elementary school last year (middle school for this year), parents were allowed to walk and pick up their kids. In fact most parents that drove parked a few blocks away as the street is so narrow in front of the school and walked up to get their kids. There is no reason that I can see why you can't walk to two blocks to pick up your kids. The person you talked to was extremely rude however and you should notify the principal.


    I would call back and request an appointment with the principal IMMEDIATELY! There are plenty of people out there out of work who would be more than happy to have that secretary's job. It's their JOB to be nice and pleasant even if they are giving unpleasant news.

    Make sure you have her name, when you go to the principal you have all your ducks in a row. There is no need for that.

    As for the walking thing, I would also start talking to other parents, join the PTA, talk to the crossing guards and see if your community can start a "walking home" event. Maybe you can team up with a few other parents and you guys can take turns walking your kids home. This can be handy when you're sick, busy, blah, blah, blah.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Blame the welfare queens eating their bonbons and driving their Caddys and their LV purses.

    why are you calling me out? what did i do to you?
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm sure this may have been said - but what if you did not have a car? Your kids aren't allowed to attend school and be picked up on foot? Does this school, like so many now, encourage environmental thinking? If they do they are total hypocrites.

    Have you tried just walking and seeing what happens? They are YOUR kids, YOU get to take them, in my opinion, in whatever manner is best for your family.
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I love how the school tries to cite child safety as the concern for having parents walk up to get thier children but then completely mitigates that point by creating a disaster waiting to happen by causing additional traffic and upping the potential for a wreck to occur or a child to get hit by a car. You should bring that point to their attention. You should totally be able to walk up and get your kids. Does the city counsel know about this? Because not only does it cause horrible traffic and safety problems for the parents and kids but also for other citizens who drive down that road as well. That becomes a city issue and concern and not just a school one.
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I went directly to the principal this afternoon and voiced my concerns. I told him how rude the office staff member was, and that person was reprimanded right away. I can now walk to the pickup loop and get them every afternoon...taking charge felt good.
  • arsenal45
    arsenal45 Posts: 211 Member
    Now THAT's a NSV! Way to go!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I went directly to the principal this afternoon and voiced my concerns. I told him how rude the office staff member was, and that person was reprimanded right away. I can now walk to the pickup loop and get them every afternoon...taking charge felt good.

    YOU GO GIRL!!!! Maybe, once people see you walking, then others will follow suit! :happy: Power to the Walkers! :drinker:
  • jj1983
    jj1983 Posts: 146 Member
    I went directly to the principal this afternoon and voiced my concerns. I told him how rude the office staff member was, and that person was reprimanded right away. I can now walk to the pickup loop and get them every afternoon...taking charge felt good.

  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Good for you!
  • cheryl72076
    What happened to the mutual goal of getting our kids a good education???? :huh: I don't see what the fuss is about you walking the kids to school. It encourages mom and kids time, it gets them to school, and it's productive vs sitting in traffic. I'm not sure if you've gotten ahold of the district office yet but if not I'd get on the phone and/or write a letter. Good luck with this!
  • cheryl72076
    What happened to the mutual goal of getting our kids a good education???? :huh: I don't see what the fuss is about you walking the kids to school. It encourages mom and kids time, it gets them to school, and it's productive vs sitting in traffic. I'm not sure if you've gotten ahold of the district office yet but if not I'd get on the phone and/or write a letter. Good luck with this!

    :laugh: OH Just saw your update, lol!!! Good thing its all resolved!