Goal weekly losses!!

I changed my goal from losing 1.5 lbs a week to losing 1 lb a week. I realized this was only a day ago, but it has made a HUGE difference in my mental state already.

Previously, with the 1.5 loss, my goal was 1230 calories a day which left me not eating much at all if I wasn't going to have time to exercise. Additionally, if I went over my goal, I was SO discouraged and then I would fall off track quickly. If my net was 1250 I was so mad at myself and irritated that I wasn't under my goal.

NOW, with a 1lb loss, my net calorie goal is just over 1400. SO much more managable and I don't feel as though my calorie number is haunting me all day! Yesterday I ended up netting less than my original 1230, but I wasn't stressed about it.

I, like most people, like success and being able to be proud of myself. I don't need to be losing 1.5lbs a week, and with my revised goal I can meet my daily caloric goal with much more ease. I'm hoping that will keep me motivated to keep on keeping on, and sticking to my plan.

How has setting realistic goals helped you? How has setting less realistic challenges hindered your progress/mental state???


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Yes! I am a big believer in smaller weekly goals for 90% of the people here. I think very very heavy people, people JUST starting out, and a few who are just very dedicated/have schedules/lifestyles that allow it can do a 1.5 or 2lb/week weight loss.

    For others, 1lb or even .5lb is more appropriate. Eating 1200 calories unless you are a small person is not enough!

    I'm set to 1/week but I removed exercise from my MFP calculations. in order to lose 2 lbs/week i'd have to eat 1200 calories + workout and burn 150 or so a day (I think), so I figure on days when I burn a lot of calories I just don't need to eat back all of them (Unless I'm really hungry - then my body is telling me it needs food) and that puts me on more of a 2lb/week track than a 1lb but on days I need to eat MORE I have like 1700 calories (after working out) to play with and that REALLY helps me feel good about my day in terms of getting enough to eat, having that nonfat frozen yogurt after dinner, or whatever.
  • canadasaurus
    canadasaurus Posts: 30 Member
    I agree. Having realistic goals and meeting them helps to keep you motivated. Setting the bar TOO high is a really good way to get discouraged and fall off the healthy wagon.