So confused.. please help?

I've been using this site for about 2 weeks now, and ever since I started, I find myself eating under my calorie goal. I've been pushing myself to eat over 1000 calories, but even when I do, I feel guilty and I end up burning all of it plus more off. I end up with a negative net calorie number every day. Can someone please explain to me what I'm doing wrong, and how I can change this?


  • Kristy144
    Kristy144 Posts: 166
    You need to try it to eat all of your calories daily, log your exercise. Your negative as in eating too many calories or too few?
  • starwhisperer
    you need to eat more! Just think of it like this. Does your car run better when you put gas in it, or when you use all the gas and coast it down a hill? If you are not putting any fuel into your body (neg net at the end of the day) your body is having to turn off all its unnecessary functions just to keep your brain and lungs and heart working. You are not doing yourself or you weight loss goal any good by doing that, you are in fact doing as much damage to your body as you would if you were overeating.