Super new

Hi all I am super new to this site and idea. I was reading through some posts and the encouragement everyone offers is outstanding, and very encouraging. I would like to know how I make it through the first week or so when I drastically drop the # of calories I will intake until my body is used to it's new fuel? How was it for you?


  • tammyeischen
    Drink lots of water! It really helped me! :) Feel free to friend me. I try to get on everday and track and see what others are doing too!
  • SLN11
    SLN11 Posts: 210

    I drink lots of water too it keeps me going and fills me up and curbs my hunger for the hour before lunch at work hahaha !

    The first week for me is quite easy its all new and super exciting its carry on with it that tests you but everyone on here is super nice and full of encouragment and motivates you !

    Add me if you wish :)

  • russelljclarke
    russelljclarke Posts: 836 Member
    I agree, water really helps! It is tough, I won't kid you, but if you work through the occasional hunger pang, you'll find you first weeks weigh-in will make it worthwhile (my first week was my best to date. Good luck!