Trying to lose baby weight/prebaby gain

I have actually lost all but 5 pounds of my baby weight but before I got pregnant I had gained about 20 pounds. This is the weight I'm struggling to get off. I'm new to this site so I'm hoping by tracking my food intake I'll start to lose more. I try to work out for at least 45 minutes 3 times a week and run 30 of the 45 minutes. If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know.


  • idiocracy
    idiocracy Posts: 275 Member
    Make friends here and keep logging in daily. Eat right and exercise regularly.
  • hempelsa
    hempelsa Posts: 11
    I'm about 10 pounds above pre-baby weight and 20 pounds from my goal. In addition to running, I would definitely add some strength training and toning (especially abs, as you're well aware of what pregnancy does to your midsection). As important as exercise is, so is REST--if I'm feeling particularly exhausted, I don't feel guilty about skipping a workout here and there because I need to be as near to 100% as I can be to take care of my daughter. Good luck to you!
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    what she said (:
  • hi there,
    if you stay on that track, you'll start seeing results. another thing to add to your plan is watching what you eat, how many calories and carbs you are taking in....
    its not going to be easy but totally worth it.... :)
    be strong!
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    it's so much easier to stick to eating better when you see exactly what you are putting into your body by logging it in here!
  • Welcome! This is a great site - it totally helps me to stay on track. I want to lose about 20-25 more pounds. Running is my exercise of choice too, but walking a route with lots of hills is great too ( especially with a stroller :wink: ). Feel free to add me if you like.

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  • srrosenbalm
    srrosenbalm Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in the same boat! These last 20 pounds have been the hardest. But so long as you keep up with the work outs and watch what you eat, you should see the weight come off.

    If you have days that you slip up, don't beat yourself up over it!