eating enough

Hey was just wondering if people ever struggled to actually get to their alloted amount of calories a day I always seem to come under only started watching my calorie intake when I started marathon training and am wondering how I can improve on getting enough calories in to counteract my long runs I'm not losing weight at the moment just inches whihc is no bad thing just wondered if any one else had a similar problem


  • jess213tx
    jess213tx Posts: 85 Member
    You could always look for healthy foods that are high in calories - such as nuts, avacado, brown rice, etc.
  • wendibartel
    When I first really started using mfp and taking it serious I stressed because I couldnt get enough to eat. I would always go over. Now that I have been sticking to it for over a month I am much fuller after a good healthy meal, my exccersises are getting harder which means I am burning more. So more recently I do find it more difficult to get my daily required calories. I just try to keep an eye on it and allow myself a high calorie snack i.e almonds.