How long do you workout for?



  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    As much time as I can mange to get around my boys LOL :)

    I'm a SAHM of three boys, ages 4, 2, and 1, so I feel your pain. :) we can't afford a gym membership on our current budget, but I am lucky to have an elliptical in my basement. If I can get 30 mins on that, then wonderful! The other thing I like is the 30 Day Shred DVD (Jillian Michaels) because it combines cardio, abs and strength into one workout at a total of 27 mins (includes warmup and stretching after). My older two will sometimes do it with me, which is super cute. :) So for "official" workouts I try to get 30 mins a day as many days as I can manage, usually 4-6x a week. But I also try to do other, more physical, things with my kiddos to work a little extra in. This summer we've spent a LOT of time swimming and when the weather gets a little cooler we'll go on more walks/bike rides. I do a lot when the baby is napping, or this fall when my oldest is in preschool and the baby is napping. ;) You can do it!!!! Just work in what you can
  • greatdragon
    45min to an hour depending on mood
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    I usually workout for 20-120 minutes 6 times a week. I am doing at home workouts after getting rid of my gym membership to save money. I've realized that strength training is sooo very important and I love the strength training DVDs I do at home. I'm a former "Cardio Queen" so this says a lot. I love the S.W.A.T. DVD's, although I only have one at home and would like to get more. Also, Biggest Loser's Last Chance Workout is great! I also have a Cardio Sculpt DVD that I love. Kickboxing is my all time fav though! I have Patricia Moreno's Kickbox Core Cross Train DVD and I love it. If anyone has any hard core kickboxing DVD suggestions I would love to know what's out there.
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    2-3 days a week of cardio (yuck!), usually about 30 minutes

    hahaha I'd love to trade! :) I KNOW how important strength training is, but I'd rather do cardio hands down. :)
  • SLLaurence21
    I have a load of exercise DVDs (10 minute solutions are my favourite), a cross trainer, rowing machine and exercise bike at home so I don't get bored. I always aim to do 20 minutes to motivate myself to do something.....then once I start I'll do between 30 - 60 minutes. And I do 60 minute Zumba class once or twice a week.

    I also do 15 - 30 minutes of weights 2 - 3 times a week.
  • JME67550
    JME67550 Posts: 39 Member
    2-3 days a week of cardio (yuck!), usually about 30 minutes

    hahaha I'd love to trade! :) I KNOW how important strength training is, but I'd rather do cardio hands down. :)

    I'd rather spend 4 hours lifting weights than run a mile! :noway:
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I don't make rules...I am trying to create a lifestyle that I can sustain. So, with that being said, I think anything is better than nothing. I usually end up working out for about 40-60 minutes, sometimes more if I do cardio and weight-lifting on the same day. I work out 4-6 days per week.

    BUT...if I am feeling lazy, a 15-minute brisk walk is great! Or if all you have time for is a 20 minute run instead of an hour, than do that.

    I've burned out on exercise many times before, after going for months of regular exercising. Looking back, I think it's a combination of too much, too long, and too boring (doing the same thing over and over). Now I am trying really hard to change up my exercise...running outside, doing a variety of classes at the gym, walking, biking, etc.

    Also, there are a ton of little lifestyle changes you can make (and do with your kids) to help get more activity into your day. Park way far out whenever you go somewhere. That was my New Year's Resolution and although my friends hate it, it's really not a big deal to walk a little further. Walk or ride your bikes to nearby destinations instead of driving. Go play outside with them. Take the stairs. Have races. I'm sure you know all these, but they really do help.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Depends what I'm doing, group classes I workout for an hour. On lifting days I run for 15 minutes and lift for 30. Everything else I just do what I want.