
How many calories do you think is enough or too much for breakfast where your not starving till lunch? So days are better than others, but I just wonder what is too much for breakfast in your opinions?


  • breakfast is always my highest calorie meal. mine is usually anywhere from 400-550 calories!
  • vnokes
    vnokes Posts: 1
    Yes they say breakfast should be the meal with the highest calories. 400-500 is the amount I have always been told. :0)
  • Really, ok that is interesting because I always freak out about if it is too high, granted a good too high, not too high because I had bagels and donuts! LOL I guess it makes since because that kind of starts your morning off and if your starving all day then your gonna eat more and maybe bad things! :)
  • vaderandbill
    vaderandbill Posts: 1,063 Member
    And recent studies show that if you include eggs in your breakfast that you will tend to eat less throughout the day.