Vitamin Supplements

Hey All,

Lately, I have been noticing severe hair loss and degrading quality of my skin(including horrible acne scars) :(

I was suggested to start taking a multivitamin by a friend of mine and I started reading on internet and I AM OFFICIALLY GOING CRAZY !

Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Boitin, Iron....The list is ENDLESS !

Can you please suggest me something that is known to a good vitamin supplement for improved health of skin and hair ????? A supplement that can provide me all these in the quantities required. It will be great help !!!



  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    check out Shakeology... it's loaded with goodness and can also be a meal replacement too. I love the stuff.
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    I take the adult gummie vitamins they really help my hair, nails, and skin! And they dont make you upset to your stomach like other vitamins can do
  • suse56
    suse56 Posts: 30
    Are you making sure that you eat some healthy oils every day? (Olive, canola, etc.) That will really help prevent hair loss from dieting. Just cook with it or put some in your oatmeal every day.