Fit in 5 to 20 minutes!!

Who's seen/ bought/ used these DVD's from Amazon? (uk)

I have medical issues ( Chronic fatigue syndrome) so have to start very gently and increase gradually (ie: 5 mins)

So, opinions on the DVD's? worth the £5 each?? Annoying instructors? good/ bad results? easy to follow etc etc??

thanks in advance!



  • lilwashee
    lilwashee Posts: 222 Member
    well i dont really know about the new ones out there but richard simmons videos are easy and u can just do two songs and turn it off ..he is enjoyable to workout to because hes so positive>
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I'd go a completely different route for CF and FM. R-Phase from Z-Health Performance Solutions. It's designed with an eye toward Injury Rehabilitation, Neural Re-education and Mobility Restoration. While the medical experts don't know what causes CF, the roots of neural dysfunction can be addressed. When corrected, clients report the very gentle exercises have eliminated pain and transformed energy levels. Folks in the Z-Health community report dramatic, permanent, positive change in their CF. I have an idea how much those I know in Seattle with CF have suffered. Let us know what your biggest payoffs are. Hugs.
  • ales1979
    ales1979 Posts: 269 Member
    ok, so I caved and bought these three!!!

    They're less than £5 so if I don't like them, I've not wasted a huge amount of cash. Also I really like the concept of starting with only 5 minutes, working my way up and through the time zones, then eventually adding together the ones I like/ want and even doing the whole thing which gives a 50 minute workout.

    hopefully they'll be here in the next couple of days and i can give an opinion.

    Fight Fit:


    Dance based:

    anyone else tried them?